This movie about a tire blew its audiences heads off!
A definitive must watch!!
This movie about a tire blew its audiences heads off!
A definitive must watch!!
an protestant women doesnt go to hell either, if she is preaching. even if the biggest group in her religion is telling that.
Österreich erkannte was für ein Irrer er ist, als man seine Gemälde gesehen hat. bei so einem Verbrechen wird einem sofort die Staatsbürgerschaft entzogen! /s
i am better after snooze, i can prepare myself mentally for getting up, while still enjoying the warmth and comfort of the bed.
yes, thats a fact. but are you really surprised by thaz? Israel is fighting against Palestina for a very long time now, obviously Palestina therefore becomes more extrem and hateful against Israel. Hamas is a reaction to a conflict that Israel kinda ignited! both sides are at fault for the stuff happening right now.
they forgot to take away the netherlands, it will be unliveable (for humans, not so much for fish), once they get succumbed by the sea.
deutschestes Kommentar in diesem Faden
some of them have collection boxes standing around, which only get emptied once a week or even less regularly. but yes, there is probably some like you described too.
Ich stimm dir zu: Stört doch keinen, macht ja Spaß 😁
i thinks its about proper recycling, its nice if you dont have the environment to do it in the area in which you live. if you are able to, then its irrelevant.
kannst du mir mal bitte erklären, wie der Rechtsextremismus um Gazastreifen den Rechtsruck in Deutschland legitimieren soll? wenn ein rechter Islamist eine unschuldige, ausländische Zivilistin vergewaltigt und ermordet, erschüttert das die ganze Welt, nicht nur die Rechten.
Unter anderem fürchten sich dadurch umso mehr Leute der Mitte/Links vor einem weiteren Rechtsruck in Deutschland, da das Gedankengut nun mal sehr ähnlich ist. Habe schon viel zu viele rechte Wähler sagen hören, man solle Baerbock aus dem Land jagen, einsperren, oder direkt “abschaffen”. Oft wird dass zwar dann als Witz dargegeben, aber auf den Gedanken muss man doch auch erst mal kommen.
Diese Leute, die dieses “durch die Straße fahren und bespucken” feiern, sind leider oft selbst Rechts…
again, Isreal is a pain in the butt 😮💨
Cant they just give the whole land to the Arabs, declare Jerusalem as a religious state (like Vatican City) and create a new Capital for the new Palestine Land?
i am not supporting it, but i have hard times defending israel either, both sides are an absolute shit show and have their reasons, but in my eyes, the palestines have a stronger claim to the land. then again, this whole war is based on religions, where i, as an atheist, have nothing to say at all, because without religions, there wouldnt be a claimable holy city and no war whos the truthful owner of it, it would just be another land.
Hubi bester Jung, lass den MaiMaikrieg öffnen, bitte 🥺
Gigatoid or Megatoid (like meteroid, asteroid and planetoid) would be easy to understand and cool
i have another one like this: salty paprika chips and nutella!! i swear, puking it out was worth it 😂😂
i was on rat once in my life, worst trip of my life, never again