Much appreciated! I’ll give it a read.
Much appreciated! I’ll give it a read.
When those memories come up, choose a different response. Laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
Any recommended reading on this topic? Choosing a different response when these memories come up is really difficult for me, personally. Even when I acknowledge that I’ve grown as a person since then, the memories themselves still just feel jarringly awful.
Adding on to this, I’ll say the term is likely used less now because, for the reasons you mentioned, the common person actually aspires to get famous for the specific purpose of selling out and making a big payday to escape the hellscape of everyday wage-slavery.
But then there are also “sell outs” that are totally situational. For example, a content creator (who I won’t name because that’s not the point) who’s an OG that’s been around for over 20 years now, constantly putting out content, never had sponsors until a few years ago. Initially I was annoyed at suddenly seeing “Sponsored by NordVPN!” and “Sponsored by RAID Shadow Legends!” in every video, but then I learned he’d had a child with his wife. And his child had a bad birth defect that required a lot of expensive surgeries.
After that, I was like, “Get that paycheck, my guy.” It’s hard out there.
I read the post title and immediately thought it might be a Technology Connections video. Great channel
Look no further: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-f3sNylbUI
I love Hank. I’m 33 and have started doing something similar to this when I have the time and want some peace and quiet. Just sitting on my back porch with an FM radio playing dadrock while staring at the trees and the clouds rolling by.
Based on your description, “pan” seems appropriate. I don’t think ratios really matter when it comes to this kind of terminology. You appear to be, to varying degrees, attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender.
That said, I’m not sure what the distinction is between “pan” and “omni”.