because we all know that routers have so much RAM that installing DNS, NTP, mounts, session, log management isn’t a problem? something doesn’t add up…
for anyone wondering what is “LLDAP” just like me a moment ago, it’s a Ligtweight LDAP implementation
you didn’t link the community :|
When you’re done it’d be cool to have it posted on reddit’s unixporn for some solarpunk propaganda
Well, the software would have to change first
Ruby on Rails?
I have to just be sure that you at least know about demicrosofted VS Code, VS Codium
No one is going to develop exploits only for a browser with certain default security options disabled (especially these made at compile time using toolchain). Binary exploitation is hard, and extremely not worth the effort in this case.
I watched the whole, but spoiler alert, you didn’t miss much
OpenBSD actually, but close