Thanks for the info. I’m a bit on the classic side, on mobile, with adguard DNS, proton VPN and Firefox Focus.
Thanks for the info. I’m a bit on the classic side, on mobile, with adguard DNS, proton VPN and Firefox Focus.
The F with websites that doesn’t allow my DNS, my VPN, and my adblocker. My browser, my rules - your website and business plan, your choice. My private data.
Yes. I buy on ebooks dot com, where you can filter by the DRM-free critter. It is also a neat trick to discover new authors.
I do this absolutely out of personal opinion on the matter, and would rather buy dead-tree-and-ink than a closed version (that won’t open on my e-reader anyway).
The whole - and excellent - Murderbot Diaries series is DRM-free ! I wonder what/who make the decision on that matter.
Do you use to eat your eggs sunny-side-up? (With the yellow still liquid?) If so, you should be safe. Or you’ve been lucky, I have no clue as to the prevalence of Salmonella in Brazil.
A Bath Room. No, not a bathroom. A room just for a wide bath, with a fireplace, a window overlooking greenery. A sound system of course. There’ll be a small bookshelf for a choice of relaxed reading, and possibly a fridge at arms length with a choice of relaxing drinks.
Same here. I only buy drm-free from ebooksdotcom, and transfer them with caliber calibre. My kobo wifi isn’t even configured.
Moi j’aime bien les bières de chez Père Jakob
Le Sanbitter est un genre de campari sans alcool qui se trouve partout (et existe depuis des lustres)
Le Sanbitter est un genre de campari sans alcool qui se trouve partout (et existe depuis des lustres)
OdP (pour, évidemment, Ouate de Phoque).
Une réponse aussi mauvaise que Quoi la Baise, certes.
Et pourquoi ce serait pas un argument marketing ? A Cagnes-sur-Mes-Choses, plages sans tabac. A Goudron-sur-Megot, plage avec nicotine. Et le client, pardon, le touriste choisit.
Si j’étais client de la Côte du Fric Réac d’Azur, je sais où j’irais.
Me too, which makes Sync an endless scroll of black squares where ads should be. No thanks, Connect it is.