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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • We need a general strike that doesn’t end until the government capitulates to the needs of the people

    Many cannot afford to strike but that is the way the system was set however we only need 10% participation to send a powerful message - any more is icing on the cake. Those who cannot fully can participate by cutting back 10% or more. Everyone should be able to cut back to some extent. Yet, expect the corporate controlled MSM to NOT report on the effects or participation of a general strike. Look for your news on independent sites, some reliable foreign sources and the Fediverse only.

  • I save most of my seeds and buy super good seeds from the Ukraine for cheap, also do all my garden work with a hoe, shovel and 5-tine fork. Just dug another 15 pounds of the sweetest carrots, not at all like the tasteless ones you get at the grocery store. I mulch with leaves and old hay that are free. One bag of organic fertilizer lasts two years. We give a lot of extra produce away every year. Had to start selling some garlic to get rid the extra. Masanobu Fukuoka and Ruth Stout were my inspirations for low labor gardening. Did I mention I’m pretty lazy?