12 days agoI’m a gigahon and way too ugly for any partner, appearently no man wants to date an ugly girl with a dick, that looks like a man
rat emoje (my keyboard doesn’t support emojes)
I’m a gigahon and way too ugly for any partner, appearently no man wants to date an ugly girl with a dick, that looks like a man
I use ss/mm/hh/dd/MM/YYYY
I wouldn’t say that actual libertarians are conservatives (I know some in europe), but a lot of conservatives in the us larp as libertarians because that was the original vision of the us freedom fighters and they also on some level think they are libertarians because they think libertarians are smart (because the avrg libertarian is way smarter than the avrg conservative) but your joke still works because conservatives and libertarians are both pedos
I’m probably gonna make my nag22 trans themed, tho I have to buy a new printer and wait for the parts to arrive