I can only remember this because I initially didn’t learn about xargs
— so any time I need to loop over something I tend to use for var in $(cmd)
instead of cmd | xargs
. It’s more verbose but somewhat more flexible IMHO.
So I run loops a lot on the command line, not just in shell scripts.
Lemmy is not encrypted, my comments are public, your comments are public, we both know that. Anyone with a raspberry pi or an old netbook can scrape them.
If I use an encrypted service and all of a sudden everything that I thought was encrypted was decrypted by the service provider without my consent? That’s breaking encryption.
If on the other hand I use an encrypted service and they tell me that they can no longer offer the service, my data will be destroyed after X days, and I need to find another way of storing my encrypted data because of privacy invading government policies? That is not breaking encryption.
For many things I completely agree.
That said, we just had our second kid, and neither set of grandparents live locally. That we can video chat with our family — for free, essentially! — is astonishing. And it’s not a big deal, not something we plan, just, “hey let’s say hi to Gramma and Gramps!”
When I was a kid, videoconferencing was exclusive to seriously high end offices. And when we wanted to make a long distance phone call, we’d sometimes plan it in advance and buy prepaid minutes (this was on a landline, mid 90s maybe). Now my mom can just chat with her friend “across the pond” whenever she wants, from the comfort of her couch, and for zero incremental cost.
I think technology that “feels like tech” is oftentimes a time sink and a waste. But the tech we take for granted? There’s some pretty amazing stuff there.
Seriously, it is the lowest-latency and highest-bandwidth communication method we have, when used appropriately.
Yes, but your wine futures would be worthless, what with his unlimited water-to-wine abilities.
Yeah, I think the issue is that the other racist, xenophobic, antivax, generally incompetent policy choices are actually kind of what he campaigned on.
The tarrifs — even though he campaigned on them — are antithetical to his promise of lowering cost of living expenses.
That said, it’s the WSJ editorial page — their coverage of the Second Coming of Jesus would be its impact on your 401(k), so this type of coverage (and not e.g., social justice) is their bread and butter.
How do you make a small fortune?
Start with a large fortune and buy a boat.
No, but I think it’s good when someone with credibility among certain people reiterate something, even if it adds nothing of value to you and me.
Democratic and left-of-center politicians (or “liberal elite economists”) can say this until they’re blue in the face but Trumpers will dismiss it as I dunno, woke butthurtism or something. But when someone like Buffet says it, at least they (maybe) have to think a little bit before coming up with some mental gymnastics to dismiss him. And maybe along the way they’ll question, if only a little bit, the sanity of Trump’s policies.
Wait til you see fetal MRIs…
I prefer the phrase “testicular manifold.”
Some bulk food stores let you bring your own. You put a sticker on them with the bulk item # and also the dry weight, so it’s a little more work, but then you can put your jars to use!
The Gulf of Lesser Canada does have a certain ring to it…
Newer macOS is not Unix certified.
It’s UNIX 03 compliant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification
One or two Linux distros were (are?) UNIX certified, though.
Living things are “entropy eaters” — they take in energy, reduce their own entropy, and poop out entropy to the environment. This is fine, and it doesn’t violate any thermodynamics if you look at the whole picture.
So I think the point is that creationists take a myopic view and only look at the creature itself, where indeed it reduces its own entropy…but that’s because the creationists are stupid and ignore, you know…everything else.
This is true not only for individual animals, but for evolution itself — more complexity in animals can be viewed as a decrease in entropy (again, this is only a problem if you ignore the rest of the universe).
Their argument is the same as saying that you can open your fridge door to cool off your room.
I think mplayer
has an ASCII output mode (VLC, too?), and I believe youtube-dl
can output to stdout.
The rest is, as they say, left as an exercise to the reader.
Sounds like he was a mantis and was posting while copulating.
Haha yeah that was the counter example I was thinking of. I agree completely — you could make a Gentoo from source beginner distro, and I think you could make it reasonably “idiot proof,” but it would still be a bad user experience most likely (too much time spent compiling).
But this is a weird thing to lie about — the only reason to implement toner DRM is to get people to buy your cartridges. But if your public statement is, “it’s ok to buy off brand cartridges,” then…well… that’s kinda weird.
Not saying you’re wrong, and they could be trying to have their cake and eat it too (court the anti-DRM crowd but also scare people into sticking with their toner). I’m just saying your snarky/sarcastic response seems unwarranted here.