Someone made the point previously about Disney owning Muppets now and doing live action adaptations of all the animated films when they have the opportunity to do muppet versions instead.
Although I would absolutely want more farscape.
Someone made the point previously about Disney owning Muppets now and doing live action adaptations of all the animated films when they have the opportunity to do muppet versions instead.
Although I would absolutely want more farscape.
TV limited series adaptations of The Culture novels. Amazon obviously made a start before giving up but they picked absolutely the wrong one to start with.
Yes Consider Phlebus is the first chronologically but a TV series where you have to replace the main character every episode does not work when you are already trying to adapt a very difficult IP.
Player of Games is where you want to begin. Clear storyline, no tricky time/universe/world jumps. Spends most of the time in an Earth-esque civilization. If you can successfully adapt PoG then you can try something more challenging like Phlebus or Use of Weapons.
Not the first time. 80107, if you press the bull’s hole it lights up.
Well now we’re getting really speculative. But probably what we have now but with something like undember or under and duoly or duoer in the 11 and 12 month positions.
The fact that it’s a joke about genAi and that joke is a rehash of existing material is rather on point though.
Anyone know how to convert the flipper code format into the base64 format that home assistant/broadlink uses?
Examples of format
Come on, give us a name. I need to replace my phone and something repairable appeals.
Did you know there was a sequel? Caught we totally by surprise last year and decades after I originally read Mote.
Depends on your definition for autonomous driving which mainly depends on your ODD but they’re not the only ones. Honda ,Volvo and GM have something. Others (i.e. BMW) have stuff next year but they’re all going with more accurate names. CoPilot, PilotAssist, Super cruise, Traffic Jam Pilot. Makes it clear that these are drive assists, not drive replace.
Depends on the urgency. Usenet, indexer and something like sonar is effective if used in a fire and forget style. Episodes will be downloaded when they are reposted but that may be months or years later.
Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating on the “every episode” but you’re still going to need at least three actors to play the main character, plus intermediate appearances as they transform which lasts an episode or more. It’s definitely a significant additional problem that you just don’t have to deal with if you start with one of the other books.
The other challenge if you are thinking about doing multiple books and you start with Phlebas is that the Culture are the baddies. You spend a (most) of a series presenting them as such and then flip.