When corporations are legally bound to maximize shareholder value then facism is a natural development.
When corporations are legally bound to maximize shareholder value then facism is a natural development.
Elong Pork
If i summon baguettes out of fat air do they come buttered?
Non alcoholic vegan Jesus lools down upon you.
Breadbane the Yeastman always rises!
Gonna solve that 101 freeway issue right quick
So much money wasted modifying all these documents.
Hamburgling used to be a decent profession. Now with such cheap burgers all those skilled workers are left out.
Anything new good on netflix?
Bay of Pigs 2: America invades America on location in Cuba.
This look feels like the opening sequences of Dazed & Confused.
First president with gage earrings.
Philosophical inbreeding is also not good.
FoxCon 2: Nacho Boogaloo
Local radio fired their news department and brought in cheap new talent.
Last night they mispromounced Potomac and i shook my head.
But a few weeks ago when the news reader mispronounced Orwellian, a canary died somewhere.
Its like having a permenant place nobody ever looks at with no rules.
Way too convienient to get rid of.
Probably more a decision of the intelligence communities more than the military.
Wait until Big Tech buys those nuclear reactors.
Absolutely no respect for the people, using the most obvious bullshit trolls now?
Please projrct all the corruption that exists because you were part of commiting it.