Yeah, but the point here is not to nosedive into red pill loathing, but for self-improvement.
For instance one can always try to be more attractive by building muscle, confidence, smooth talking and leadership.
Reddit refugee, looking for the curious parts of the web community. Location: Norway.
Yeah, but the point here is not to nosedive into red pill loathing, but for self-improvement.
For instance one can always try to be more attractive by building muscle, confidence, smooth talking and leadership.
Look up Hoe_math on YouTube. Strip away the layer of red pillish frustration and watch objectively. His latest zones version video is onto something that women have two separate sets of criteria to judge men: “healthy and nice” and “macho power”. You need to up your macho power factors to be considered attractive. Seriously, when they say they need to find a nicer guy, they don’t even consider the guys that aren’t keeping up the macho.
No joke! Even what I didn’t like with the Sequels was they felt too contemporary and on the nose to Trumpian MAGA politics.
There’s gotta be serious repercussions for this insane narcissist-autocratic behaviour. USA you’re not just embarrassing, but a liability.
In a system where all the non-winning votes are lost in a step and not counted at the end, like the USA form of weak democracy, this becomes a valid tactic.
It’s not only the presidential vote that’s like this, but ALL fucking votes. It’s astonishing how weak the US system is.
Humour like that makes ancient people so much more relatable.
Was gonna say, I still remember that USA guy being shot .
Not me, but my friend. Had a relationship with a girl he met in an MMORPG.The girl was still living with her ex-husband and had not divorced yet. And she lived in another country across the ocean. The couple were doing therapy. My friend had hopes this would be his chance at love. How could I be a downer when he was in love.
America I’m getting secondhand embarrassment
Filled with “alternative facts”?
I’d guess base 6 with their 6 legs.
No, that was just Jerry.
Rule 34 Murahachiro. Not safe. I repeat, not safe!
Always knew Finland was neggst level.
But that means they seek projects that must be profitable and that’s exactly why I want the bloated investment power off their hands and into public projects that value psyche and society in the long run. Profit seeking leads to sick companies like Apple etc. with stances like “the customer should not be able to repair their shit”.
Is it possible to set a roof on private wealth? Everything above put into public funds? Give them a “you win at capitalism” trophy and let them into some other game to play.
Krita is my go to free open graphic program. Even donated to them.
It is annoying, but the US right consists of one party full of anti-science, so being in touch with reality automatically means not them, and in such a disgrace of a political system that means “the other party” because the bastards haven’t updated from their two-party elections since the 1800s.
I am perplexed by people who like him. The party has shown itself full of the same ilk, but Trump specifically is… After everything he has done I have to assume ill intent, otherwise would be to assume offensive levels of retardedness.
Neo-Feudalism is when the big Corps have too much power. I think that is the goal of dark maga.