Map Men! Map Men! Map! Map! Map! Men! Men!
Map Men! Map Men! Map! Map! Map! Men! Men!
I’ll second Tim Traveller. Consistently interesting and he has a real knack for finding offbeat-yet-fascinating places to visit in Europe.
Landlords pass on higher property taxes to their tenants in the firm of higher rents. You don’t need to own property to be affected by high property taxes.
I know! Drives me crazy.
I found the movie a bit sappy. A weaker version of To Kill a Mockingbird. What I couldn’t get over was the nonsensical geography and impossibly frequent bus service.
Endless Sky is amazing. I’ve put so many hours into it. It’s available on Steam or as an AppImage from
It’s a New York thing to refer to the rural Northern and Western parts of New York State that are not New York City. No one (or at least very very few) outside of New York State uses it to refer to any other place.
Yeah, it’s amazing. Definitely my all time favorite comic series.
At least 1Il & 0O are different and (mostly) easily distinguishable in all the variants. Only exception is in the Argon variant 1 and l are too similar IMO.
There’s also “bless your heart”. Around here if someone tells you that, it is not a compliment.