The hill is going to be a hill of bodies.
The hill is going to be a hill of bodies.
You can thank Robert Moses for that.
I wish that were a real address.
It sure is. I’ve had him as my wallpaper for years. On my last phone his eyes were burned into the screen.
Looks like you sprung for the gold-plated one, fancy!
The Dollop, Behind the Bastards, Dungeons and Daddies, and The Rest is History are my standbys.
I also listen to The Constant, Levar Burton Reads, 99% Invisible, The Always Sunny Podcast, Past Gas, and Twenty Thousand Hertz.
I guess we’re both nerds. I love that podcast.
They’re uptown now.
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Symmetrical book stacking. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.