How ironic, company started to sell books is becoming one of the worst places to buy books.
At this point better off looking for an EPub/PDF copy on the publisher’s authors website sadly.
How ironic, company started to sell books is becoming one of the worst places to buy books.
At this point better off looking for an EPub/PDF copy on the publisher’s authors website sadly.
Here’s hoping some random guy with 300 tb of hard drives lying around is able to archive this stuff, crazy to think a lot of this government material could become lost media
Pays 100$ for windows 11 pro expecting to not see targeted advertising.
“Play Candy Crush on the Windows App Store Now!” ad baked into the Lock Screen ffs why
Probably a terrible idea, but would these in any way be safe to eat?
Obviously not the toilet mushrooms, but maybe the ones growing out of the chair, cracks in the floor etc would be safe to cook if washed?
Why make new game when old game do trick?
this is just a picture of a thumb
subcranial jelly skull infestation moment
I believe in penguin supremacy
“Abyss blue” seems like a bit of a stretch
Nice, looks a lot like the cell stage in Spore but heavily expanded upon, looks promising
Binding of Isaac (flash) Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Literally thousands of hours of entertainment, pretty much
As others have said, the comments definitely feel more substantial / thought out here than they tend to on Reddit.
Less shitposting and people regurgitating memes for sure, but it’s been easier to actually ask a question and get an answer here.
On Reddit you end up having to filter through a bunch more BS when you’re just looking for information a lot of the time.
I am a coffee cup!
Valve takes obvious PR win by saying something nice to competition.
I like to put my leftovers in an omelette the next morning.
Rice and beans? Spaghetti and meatballs? Baked haddock?
All good omelette material.
Makes leftovers less boring imo and a good way to reheat them
Oops you wanted fulfillment and feeling of happiness? Best I can do is existential dread and a pizza party
In a shocking turn of events, google decided once again to make their namesake service worse for everyone.
Legitimately baffling, keeping this feature doesn’t really seem like it would impact anyone except those that use it, while removing it not only impacts those people that already use it, but those who would potentially have reason to in the future.
Cannot think of a single benefit to removing a feature like this.
Remember reading at some point that Jim Carrey was set to “retire” after Sonic 2 had wrapped up. Maybe he just really likes the character?
L + Bozo, should’ve focused on making Grok actually comparable to recent models instead of role-playing as a supervillain in the White House.