Why not say you are doing it, then just don’t. Constantly act like you don’t know why it’s not done, take forever to reply, pretend you thought it was already done, etc. Resistance isn’t hard in these situations.
Why not say you are doing it, then just don’t. Constantly act like you don’t know why it’s not done, take forever to reply, pretend you thought it was already done, etc. Resistance isn’t hard in these situations.
Cali should start ignoring the Supreme Court imo. They already cause more change than every red state combined by the California effect
I just got back from Atlanta, Georgia, and holy shit I almost forgot how bad road infrastructure could be. 5 blocks from a grocery store and it’s basically illegal to walk to it. There technically are crosswalks, but no sidewalk to get to them. The funniest part is the traffic is significantly worse than similar city populations because most of the intersections are high risk high speed crossings.
He is really good at talking out of his ass. The moment he starts talking about something your an expert in, the bullshit he spews becomes obvious.
Generalizations of a single person based on where they live make for bad assumptions about them. I do not subscribe to American exceptionalism. I did as a child raised in a republican household, but not as an adult.
I do generally agree though. Most US citizens see themselves as superior to others. I hope the next 4 years help those people see otherwise, but probably not.
Holy shit dude. You deleted your comment but i can still see it. The incredible sense of self importance you project onto me and other US citizens is your own problem.
Your right and wrong. If we become as bad as you think, we will very much be a problem for all of the world. We’ll see in 4 years which way we go.
I refuse to sacrifice my family for the zero chance of saving you.
Ok? What a pointless opinion. Reality is we, as in the whole world, aren’t going to fix my country by being obtuse.
Most of us fucking hate it. And I fear we may become the next fascist superpower.
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
I personally will never support any sort of invasion and won’t give a shit if our soldiers die because of it. Wish the rest of the country would get on board.
My dad is genX and uses it the same way. I have explained it to him multiple times that it’s like sighing at someone.
I’m an American who works primarily with Canadians. Their opinions are very eye opening.
The nuance you’re missing is based in American exceptionalism. You are no different than a Russian citizen, stuck under a government you/I hate. Focus on what you and your family can control.
Yeah I’ve never heard anything good about jeeps in general. Now they are being run further into the ground by trying to become a luxury brand. At least when it was just a shitty jeep, it was still a somewhat cheap shitty jeep.
Having a memory longer than 6 minutes. I would love for my country to be turning against Russia, but the orange one is 100% on Russia’s side as always. My money is on us supplying Russia or even boots on the ground in a few years.
It’s different for everyone. My tolerance has been built over more than a decade. For me it was bad when it’s continuous for 3 or more days of heavy at night and a few drinks during the day to keep the hangover at bay. The quantity was somewhere around 1-1.5L 80 proof per day. I don’t do this anymore because of withdrawal. I could still function well enough and coffee helps with shakes. The depression can be bad, the horror nightmares are bad, mild hallucinating sometimes, and lots of sweating.
When I’m normal nightly drinking and no day drinking a normal night is 10 1.5oz full shots of 80 proof.
I do also stop occasionally and I know that I need to slow/stop or it will kill me. Also don’t see my number and use it to ignore your own problems. A lot of people die before they get to my quantities. For reference I’m a 185lb 5’11" dude and weirdly still am in almost half marathon shape. The exercise keeps some of the negative effects of drinking so much at bay. I also take B-vitamins every day.
I’ve used weed as risk mitigation in the past. It didn’t stick though, it makes me feel lethargic for days.
It was the weirdest shit. He doesn’t know anything about towing or hauling. His cybertruck is the first truck like vehicle he has ever owned and for some reason his ego tells him he’s qualified to help. Its probably his total lack of experience that caused his upset.
To redeem him a bit he is incredibly willing to help people. He’s just got more money than brains and experience lol.
Never thought of repairability this way. Weirdly helped with some anxiety I’ve been having recently. Thank you random internet person.
I know this is a joke, but having been through alcohol withdrawal many times from binge drinking for way to long. Its worse than any pain I’ve ever felt in my life; it’s like inescapable shaky torture.
The one person I know who owns a cyber truck was upset when I didn’t call him when I had a truck needing emergency, my wife’s car had broken down on a freeway offramp. The people that own these stupid things are cos playing as truck people even moreso than the average truck owner. The weirder part of his upsetness is, I was already driving a 3/4 ton truck because my commuter vehicle was not running. All I had to do was go get a uhaul trailer and go get her car. My mind is still boggled that he threw a fit about not calling him.
It’s objectively true that the German nazi party first went after gender studies they didn’t like. It wasn’t called transgender at the time, but that’s what we call it today.
I’m a straight white dude and it takes very little thinking to see that trans people are being targeted as “the other” again. So, not kindly, go fuck yourself.
Oregon has this and it was amazing to take 12 weeks of paternity. We can also split it up, so I did part time for like 30 weeks. Kept us from needing to find childcare until she was almost 1.
Fuck your coworkers opinions. Even the 12 weeks I got is nothing compared to my Norwegian coworkers.