We have the same issue.
We have the same issue.
You can contact Stripe at the link to let them know about the company they are associating with.
Really interesting story. As someone raised in evangelical churches, I have Always wondered why modern evangelical Christians can’t see the hypocrisy of their position.
Did Compaq also start as an acquisition from a completely unrelated industry?Tandy was a leather goods company that purchased a hobby electronics chain, and started selling PC’s.
That is quite blatantly a take on Tandy, a leather company getting into the co.puter business.
That’s why I use a B&W Lazer printer, and have dedicated prosumer Canon photo printer for the few times I need color prints.
In the words of Stringer Bell “Your not taking notes on a motherfucking conspiracy are you?”
Drain won’t work that way. The pump that’s part of your washer probably can’t push it that far or at that height. Might try running down then up to your sink. Make sure you maintain an air gap. If you want to do it your way you will probably need some sort of booster pump.
I think you misunderstand Isreals role in the region, as far as US politics is concerned. As long as Isreal is a viable force in the region, They are seen as a knife at the collective Arab/Iranian/Egyptian throat. They act as a US proxy providing a counter weight to other regional powers. I’m no defender of Isreal, there actions, or Netanyahu, just providing another point of view.
There’s an old Roger Zelazny story with that exact premise called Jack of Shadows
True, but there are grades of racing. I don’t know what the current class structure is, but a 7k CBR is spitting distance of super street or whatever that AMA class is called now. I think the point being made is still valid. I can’t go out and buy a motogp bike, and the manufacturer isn’t pretending to sell me one.
Having lived, and ridden bikes, in Hawaii, Washington state, and now Texas, it’s a mentality thing. The same type of people who don’t wear gear in Texas are the same that don’t wear gear other places.
Plus one for Ice Pirates. It gave us Space Herpes
Carl Sagan - The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.Link
Or, and hear me out here, get an old dell i3, and a couple 6tb hdd to run unraid, with the arr’s and plex in dockers. Then decide that’s not enough storage, so you get some 8tb drives. Then decide you need some mote space, and you might as well upgrade the chip. Plus you need a GPU to transcode, and the Dell won’t support that. So now you’ve got a fractal Define R5, Asus MOBO, Nvidia GPU, i5, 8 14tb hdd, 2 more 14 tb hdd’s for parity, 2 120gb ssd’s for cache, and noctua fans to keep the noise down. So what I’m saying is I might have a problem.
I agree, I think the actress that played Breanne in GoT would have been better. However, I think the actress they picked did a great job, so it didn’t ruin it for me , just not what I pictured in my head when I was reading.
I highly recommend The Expanse on Amazon Prime. A number of badass female characters- Drummer, Naomi, Clarissa, Avrisarala, Bobbi. Not a single Mary Sue among them. 6 seasons, really gets into the meat of the story. Excellent character development,/Arc over the course of the series. Even the guy who is one dimensional (Amos) winds up having depths. If she likes to read, the books are even better. The same, but different. Also, the Murderbot Diaries are really good books, fast easy reads but very entertaining.
I don’t think so. The lower court made a pretty clear distinction the damages are for harms that arose from activity other than journalism.
I think you and I may have discovered the film at the same time, or nearly. I think I probably saw it on an illegally descrambled HBO sometime around 80 or 81. Also an awkward kid in a small Texas town. I didn’t dive headlong into the hippie thing (that was already taken by the weird Beatles obsessed kid), but the impact of those songs and the messages stuck with me as well. Even though I’m losing mine, I still love the song Hair, in all its glory.
It would be easier if there were more than 20 pixels in the picture.