Yep. Installed it, started it, saw it is basically the website in an embedded browser, uninstalled it.
Like, come on, you have a web version. Why should I use an extra application to view a website. This seems like a cheap excuse for a desktop app.
Yep. Installed it, started it, saw it is basically the website in an embedded browser, uninstalled it.
Like, come on, you have a web version. Why should I use an extra application to view a website. This seems like a cheap excuse for a desktop app.
I think MS talked about how they handle detection. And it isn’t based on Geolocation, but the choosen install language/region. If you choose one where the DMA applies, you will get the DMA options. For english speakers there should be a Euope (English) install option.
Tho, this does require reinstalling your system.
Yeah, I have my lower age cutoff at like 26 because of this and have no issues going up to 32. I am just not up for childish shit in a relationship and hearing some stories from other dudes what happened in their younger relationships, I might not have skipped the worst time.
I hope I find someone who does improve my life (and me improving theirs!). I want something where everyone gives what they can without burning out and everyone being better off for it.
Meanwhile me just starting out dating at 29 because I just now feel like a person who is grown enough for a relationship: “Ah bollocks”
Die Bildungselite muss ja nicht noch angeben!
Let’s add some :)
For me pretty much everything but the china special supports induction. The only stuff I have that I can’t use with it is either old (20+ years) or was the cheapest option in the store and it’s generally not too good (a student needs to start somewhere)
Depends on where you are. Depending on country it can range from no one giving a shit, over to getting letters from your ISP, over to getting smaller fines, up to getting railed for your life.
It just says 5 for me
I only use the terminal. GUI is bloat.
Einfache Lösung: Flammenwerfer für alle Busse und Bahnen. Vorne angebracht und mit einen Knopf aus dem Cockpit zu bedienen. Schon geht’s wieder.
YES PLEASE BUNNIES. Was searching for an active board.
Last Time I used the windows store you could install apps without an account, as long as they where free
Better than apple doing whatever the fuck they want. Imagine Microsoft would have only allowed IE based browsers on windows. We would still be in the IE days, because why put work into something when you can just force people to use it?
At least with chrome it is used because it is a pretty competent engine.
That one is on apple tho.
Hoping for more EU intervention on those tools.
Coming from Gmail the proton search is a lot worse. Not unmanageable, but by far not as good.
Ich habe mein Studium zu 100% mit einer 20h Stelle Finanziert. Ich bin dabei in meiner Ausbildungsfirma geblieben, konnte also einen höheren Satz als Standard-Studentensatz aushandeln. Das war mein Glück.
Aber Arbeiten und Studieren empfand ich jetzt nicht als die Hölle. Ich hatte feste Arbeitszeiten neben dem Studium und könnte keine Stunde zu oder abbuchen. Das hat die Klausurphase schwierig gemacht. Aber wirklich überlastet oder gestresst habe ich mich nie gefühlt. Bachelor in Regelstudienzeit gemacht. Master wäre ein Semester drüber gewesen für die Thesis, aber dort musste ich auch 2 Fächer nachholen. Leider war das Thesis Semester aber WS19/20. Da hätte mich Corona dann komplett aus der Bahn geworfen und ich habe die Thesis erst letztes Jahr gemacht.
Aber insgesamt: Arbeiten und Studieren finde ich ganz gut zusammen.
How to completely fail on a mail client. Holy hell.