So apparently for the latter you can just claim to be using the american pronunciation https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/penchant
So apparently for the latter you can just claim to be using the american pronunciation https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/penchant
Can the term potency also be used to refer to the exponent in English? Because that is what is meant by the terms in the other languages and I haven’t come across that usage of the word potency in English
I’m pretty sure the whole thing is that witches in the witcher universe can shape their faces however they want so they all choose to be super pretty? Am I misremembering or did yennefer make herself “not conventionally beautiful” on purpose?
That sounds like unnecessary effort when there is a perfectly serviceable audiobook version to listen to!
If you read the article you find that he didn’t actually sell furniture, he got people on Facebook marketplace to pay him money for the privilege of collecting free furniture from Craigslist. It’s a really shitty scheme
Yeah wikipedia says venom was introduced in spider-man comics in 1984 (under a different name)/1988. Deadpool’s first appearance was in 1990.
He did make 64000 dollars in those 10 months though so people will probably still use that as a talking point to claim homeless people are just too lazy
That’s hilarious. Although i am a Bit disappointed that it seems quite impossible to write a script that actually tells a story since all the characters will end up doing is describing each other
I used to think like you but have been using endeavouros for the last 2 years or so and never felt like I an lacking stability.
What’s the difference? (Asking as a non-native English speaker)
Okay but the penguins do make sense, right? Penguins are like the mascot of linux
Where exactly is their company going? I’ve only ever heard good things about them
The woman’s hand in the back looks weird.
I wouldn’t bet on it. It’s published by epic, after all. The Alan Wake remaster still hasn’t made it to steam, either.
Raspberry pies are more powerful than you give them credit here. Nothing wrong with using systemd on them
I know David cage is problematic but what is that thing about Elliot page you are alluding to? I haven’t heard of that. Of course I know he was in beyond two souls so must have worked with cage but that’s the extent of my knowledge
I live in Europe and have one friend who does that. No idea where it stems from, maybe the parents felt they could keep more of a personal identity if they were referred to by their name at home or something
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure I learned at school that you can use “that” for everything, “who” for people and “which” for things
Wieso ist kindeswohlgefährdend zangendeutsch? Das hört sich für mich nach beamtendeutsch an
Judging by the statement and username, Germany. And I agree