As someone who’s been wanting a boox tablet for a while I don’t think they fit “cheap”
As someone who’s been wanting a boox tablet for a while I don’t think they fit “cheap”
Aren’t there unofficial extensions to mp3 for gappless playback? IIRC you can tag tracks as gappless and many audio players will make them so.
Ya ever go through a drive through?
Autoplay with no sound but you need the sound to understand it and your trying to click the tiny mute icon then you finally get it unmuted and there’s no obvious way to rewind and then it starts playing the next video and you can’t get back to it.
I don’t think Americans understand how much most of the world likes mayo.
Oh but we definitely put mayo on our hot dogs here.
Guatemala: remove the bacon wrap, remove lettuce, add ketchup. Like, you can get it with bacon and without ketchup but you have to request both those things extra. Lettuce is just weird.
And Jordan is the “nice” neighbor of Israel.
Ah yes the black and white both sides bad argument. You do know it’s possible for one side to be worse right? So much worse.
Not one downvoter has explained how you can have privately and corporate-owned luxury resorts in a non-capitalist country. Can’t imagine why.
Oooh I love this false dichotomy because if every government that allows for any form of corporate owned private property to exist is capitalist then we can ascribe basically all evil to capitalism. Heck even the USSR was capitalist by your logic. Capitalists did the holodomor.
Yeah with EFI the days of Windows completely overwriting your Linux bootloader are mostly over.
Isn’t all conscription forced?
Also like I wouldn’t want to be drafted but isn’t it kinda progress for the Ukrainian army to draft gay people? Something most modern armies have avoided?
Hey it’s better than optional Palestine.
But they don’t have to review every video, just the ones that are flagged by the AI then contested, which is probably a fraction of a percentage of all of them.
He doesn’t want to leave Gaza for Gaza’s sake, he wants to leave Gaza cause he views the current invasion as harmful to Israel.
That seems a bit excessive, say all 8 billion people were using Google products, 8 million reviews would be 1 per thousand users which seems like many more than are needed since almost all users of Google are passive and don’t create content.
Yeah it’s just that I feel like if someone is still using freaking Chrome in 2024 then asking them to use something even more obscure than FF might be a bridge too far.
There are a ton of specific communities on Reddit that don’t really exist anywhere else. Like, Lemmy is fine if all you want is anarcho-socialist Linux users but there’s a subreddit for my hometown, some specific weird apps I use, my favorite video games, the machines I use at work, etc. Until Lemmy can branch past just people who use it for ideological reasons it won’t replace Reddit.
Or just use Firefox.
I mean by that measure AMD doesn’t make chips either…