tier meme tbh
tier meme tbh
I did that!
Why tf would that be in english doesn’t India have enough own languages? I hate colonialism and how it destroys culture
Yeah, don’t bees only leave via swarming? I haven’t heard of a honey bee colony voluntarily relocating
Depends on where you live and who you hang with. In my experience this behavior isn’t normal and showing it would get you shamed and made fun of if not blackballed
cops are cowards
nah, those come all by themselves as soon as the street is liberated
classic moment
Finally some good fucking news
top tier boomer meme
Noo piracy isn’t stealing I’m a lawful citizen
Yes I’m a thief got a problem with that
Yea but the tweet says ‘criminal offense’ and ‘criminalize’ which explicitly does refer to stuff regulated by law. So they’re claiming display of flag and ‘Palestinian clothing’ are ‘technically’ ‘illegal’, which they totally pulled out of their arse
Communist revolution
Just fyi, in G*rmany it’s neither illegal to show a Palestinian flag nor is criminalized to wear Palestinian clothing (whatever that is).
However, recently public protest has been made the police’s business to regulate - making left wing protest quite dangerous and edging the country closer towards a police state. The pigs made it a constraint not to show Hamas/Al Qaeda/Islamic Jihad flags on protests and due to their political/justical illiteracy they might have extended this to Palestinian flags. This is probably where Don Salmon’s error might originate.
I’ve rarely seen morality attached to the criticism - it’s a stupid move inviting the great Satan to intervene and violently overthrowing the Bolivarian Revolution. Also AFAIK the native population of Esequibo doesn’t want to be Venezuelan.
GOOD post
It’s not the artists, creators, researchers etc. who profit off ip laws. It’s always capitalists