Ai asks out your crush out an a date. Then have a netflix and chill with her at your house.
Lurking around!
Ai asks out your crush out an a date. Then have a netflix and chill with her at your house.
“Some hentai games are good” -Edward Snowden
This is the way!
Man! I dont know what our IT ministry is smoking but Censorship has become their goto to ruin their reputaion and show of their lack of IT knowledge.
He’s just asking for a friend. Dont bother him and awnser the dammn question👽👽
TSA:what are you hiding sir.
Me:nothing : o.
TSA:(Boink! Boink!)sir stop resisting! This is standard procedure.(Boink! Boink!)
Dude am typing this on my neighbors wifi XD. Btw they left the 5ghz band public so have been using it for the past 1 year or so. Lol its quite fast too!
I used liftoff too but now i use voyager, it quite good too.
Where can i get this waste .my linux pengiun will love it🤩.but it saddens me that people relay on windows so much.
Man i love floris board. It has so well thoughtout features .the only thing that i am missing is the suggesitons <-
I know that facebook will not rip you off your freedom just as windows wont stop you from removing or uing your computer. None the the less they will have significamt impact on the fediverse for good or bad and their influence might affect in someway we cannot predict.
Buddy i am here to avoid the lizardman and dont want him anywhere near me. Free software always has been an alternative to corprates and never a replacement. In the name of evangalic fediverse we should not give up our freedom. And above all this whill become like the trade agreement between Hati and the US.
The fediverse isnt a competition and nor we we should try to replace gaint companies(even tho that it would be great) rather stay as a free alternative to those platforms.
I don’t know about google but being a free used doent change that you are a coustmer and that you will be affected by it. If you go to a public collage and you are getting a free education ,then arent you allowed to question the authorities?. Other than that the journalist is in the wrong too.
That doesnt make me wrong leftie
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Definetly worth the collatral and the casulties. Hiering a hitman doesent make you inoccent.
Bruh its netflix! They will find a way to f it up (hope its good tho)
(Beginner/intermediate here so pardon my stupidity) How?.. doesn’t the anticheat ban your account? And whats ur config desktop ev looks good <3
He pulls out a vapour thin install of puppy linux on his machine