Wastewater? Maybe get a job at your local plant or office? They need all sorts of people: customer service, maintenance, engineers, automotive, chemists, IT, etc. The alternative is dumping raw sewage in water ways. They sometimes have apprenticeship programs.
ETA: Best job security in the world. People aren’t going to stop shitting anytime soon. People don’t want rivers of shit. So…
ETA2: I know you said you are coming in unskilled, but a lot of better places to work will pay for education if you wanted to go from say customer service to engineering or something.
Maybe he is the 3 eyed raven? Brandon…
Maybe he is the 3 eyed raven? Brandon…
A number of measures to help students concentrate are taken during the annual event such as closing the country’s airspace and delaying the opening of the stock market.
That is what thinking of the children really looks like. Here in the US we just make stupid age verification laws for porn sites like it is going to make porn hard for teenagers to get.
Unless you REALLY need color, just buy a Brother BW laser printer. Toner doesn’t dry up. It is all but guaranteed to be the cheapest option. I bought the scanner BW laser printer combo like 8 years ago for $130.
I was the same way. IMO, philosophy is WAY underrated. If the takeaway from intro to philosophy courses is ancient Greeks had some strange ideas about atoms and such, that is missing the point. Below is for anyone that has never touched philosophy at all.
Ethics is NOT what the corporate ethics things say about following the rules. Ethics in this context would raise the question of whether always following company rules is the right thing to do? Is right and wrong objective or subjective? Is something right in some contexts but wrong in others? Which system of thought should you be using (consequentialism, virtue, deontological)? I was just following orders when I murdered those people! By our laws it was legal, therefore right! It is a great way to persuade people and make decisions.
Epistemology is absolutely key to critical thinking. How do you determine what you know vs what you merely believe? Can you trust that error message is accurate? Can you trust your memory? Personal experience? It is a great way to build a world class bullshit detector.
Metaphysics gets you to think about things at a more foundational level. Think about a stop sign. Is it a red octogon with stop in white letters? Not everywhere. It could be a cop or crossing guard with their hand out. It could be a red light. It could be a red sign that isn’t an octogon at all. It is a great way to learn to challenge your assumptions about the nature of the world and things.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that is a take away by some people. The rebuttal:
It is a book about how to write unambiguously and clearly.
Clear writing isn’t useful? Think about arguments about phrases in the Constitution. Clarity would make those problems go away. I could name half a dozen STEM applications of quality writing off the top of my head:
Strunks Elements of Style should be mandatory reading every year of high school.
Match him right and maybe it could be like The Viper and the Mountain.
Rudy vs Alex
Dozens of other nations: “What they said!”
Another area where electric wins is smoking. My electric smoker is much easier to use and produces superior results to using charcoal. A really nice electric smoker can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. The electricity it uses is cheaper than charcoal too.
I know how a lot of people here feel about eating meat at all, but considering the current situation, anything that is better buys time to make even bigger cuts.
Beef is a big culprit with emissions, and I’ll tell you what, a well smoked humble and cheap chicken drumstick will taste amazing.
ETA: It isn’t just the emissions from burning the charcoal that are saved. It is also the emissions producing and transporting the charcoal to their usage point. High voltage AC is pretty hard to beat in efficient transport of energy.
Wow is that an old version of NGINX. Bad sys admin! If you are going to change your server string, have some fun. Set it to “server 1.0. Today’s special is caramel horse apple”
The poor thing is probably mining bit coins and deploying ransomware!
Government with cancellation of $6b of projects unless they got appropriate legislation.
I’m a yank, so I might be talking out of the wrong hole here. That sounds like an empty threat. If those projects are in their interest, they will do them. Assume corporations will act in their own interest, unless they are organized like Facebook and their management is immune. Otherwise, less principled institutional and large share holders will replace them.
Coca-Cola did not invent Santa.
Coca-Cola did not invent Santa.
ETA for the down voters:
Which is blatant incompetence considering there is a very straightforward RFC covering domain names.
Juries have a LOT of discretion regarding damages in civil cases. The damages are what the 12 jurors say it is.
Conservative = my group is better than yours so we deserve power and resources
Scape goating a weak group to sell it to a lower class (E.g. Pre MLK US blacks - poor whites)
Appealing to fear and presenting a protector strong man
Appealing to tradition and good old days (that sucked)
Anti intellectualism