I like the part where they install nets around buildings to catch jumpers and send them back to work. There is no escape from the elites grasp. We are doomed.
I like the part where they install nets around buildings to catch jumpers and send them back to work. There is no escape from the elites grasp. We are doomed.
That’s nothing, give them some more time and they will use that stuff in EVERY town! Genociding has many Israeli flavors! They learned this from the Germans. Fucking sad.
not news. propaganda
not news. propaganda
not news. propaganda
not news
This should be used by other countries too. Like Thailand!
They are in the mood to fight everybody. They no longer care about optics. Genocide without borders to be continued.
This is crazy that they keep on going. I guess when they go genociding it has no limits.
This God stuff is getting old.
Saudi got away with killing Americans on American soil. End of that story. They did it, we all know they did it, and no one will do anything about it. That’s just how it works. That’s how all of this works.
And they will sue you if you don’t buy their products.
This won’t materialize into anything. Just blah blah blah.
Today will be a turning point for the people of Iran. Hopefully for the better.
This is how it actually works!
Hard to genocide if they keep repairing people.
I am not supplies
I used to get popcorn and enjoy the show. Now it’s a steady stream of dabbing.
A US backed gang will remove the ruling gang. Okay. That sounds not healthy although the US backed gang will be easier to control once the ruling gang is displaced properly. This is why I stay in my house and never leave. The world is messed up.