I don’t expect any celebrities to be active voices for causes I believe in or hold dear for me to enjoy / consume their work. I never paid attention to anything she did apart from her music. If I hadn’t been on Reddit I probably wouldn’t even have learned about the whole ordeal which lead me to stop listening to her.
She’s a billionaire American. She and I have nothing in common. She wrote lyrics I connected with, with beats I could enjoy.
I’ve swapped planes for trains, omnivore diet for vegan, I travel by bus in my everyday life, and am a member of a car collective for those few times a year I actually need a car myself.
I don’t preach any of these things, but I talk about it / mention it when it’s brought up. Everyone somewhat close to me knows about my lifestyle. My philosophy is to show it’s not only possible to live like I am, but that I can still enjoy my life to the fullest in doing so.
I also support local organisations and political movements financially, and vote for the parties I believe have the best plans for the future.