At least Romney took the hint. But as much as I’d like to say good riddance, these days it seems like he’s one of the only rational republicans left in Congress.
At least Romney took the hint. But as much as I’d like to say good riddance, these days it seems like he’s one of the only rational republicans left in Congress.
mmm, nummy.
Definitely curious about where these layouts sprung from and the ideology behind them. Any good articles you know of that I could read up on them?
How is it that this is being ignored by the media when the post is literally an NPR article about it?
Oh, I know. I keep hearing about Colemak and Mirokyu.
too late. I went from 100% to 75% to 60% to 75% to HHKB back to my 75% (mostly because I wanted to start using my Gat pro reds again) and now I’m using an Ortho Split with columnar stagger (a choc Sofle). What a wild journey it’s been.
I watched the whole thing. Two things really jumped out to me. That we definitively have photographic evidence and Grusches statement that not only have we retrieved UAP but we’ve also retrieved Non-Human Biologics. Holy hell is that wild. I’d really love to see a photo or two of what was mentioned yesterday. What Grusch meant by the biologics though, who even knows. Maybe (probably) it’s some sort of bacteria? Dunno though, will have to wait and see.
No apologies necessary!
So, what did y’all think?
so neat.
His politics and actions in while power have been particularly spiteful towards people not on ‘his side’ or of his ‘station’, despite the fact that we’re supposed to be the United States of America. He hasn’t done a lot to garner good will from me.
One can hope! I’m so “woke” that I think I’d be dreaming if this came true.
latherer reporting in o7
Ah, good points. It took me a while to get through DS9 so I’d forgotten those story beats.
How can DS9 be happening at the same time as ENT when supposedly both Worf and O’Brien have finished their tours on Enterprise?
I noticed the exact same thing with the top of the screen, and particularly the corner!
One would think but I don’t think insight or nuance is their strong suit. If it were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation today.