I’m sorry. I can’t not say it. Pennywise pounded foolish.
Why, yes, I will let myself out.
I’m sorry. I can’t not say it. Pennywise pounded foolish.
Why, yes, I will let myself out.
Fucking Frito Baggins up in here.
Hey! This is how I was home schooled too! Except my CPS agent didn’t call it homeschooling she called something wordy like “sexual abuse of a minor”.
Ooh. Thanks.
Sorry for the weird formatting.
So, I usually make sure my first few dates are in public places. Nothing too fancy and nothing too cheap. I opt for something like a local restaurant. That being said, if you showed up like that, I’d probably be a little confused, but I don’t judge, and I like the goth aesthetic. Whatever. I would probably try my best to be polite. The problem is I know other people are judgemental. If I come back to that restaurant later, will I be that guy who showed up with a scantily clad alt chick? Will people judge me? What if I see the waitstaff in public or they end up hanging out with one of my friend groups? Would it be awkward? I know it’s not my fault, but I don’t like to blame other people, so what would I say? “She just showed up that way?” Nah, that’s too victim-like. Should I play it off and be like, “yeah, that’s just how I roll”? I’d have to consider.
Then I’d just kind of have to accept that since we’re here, I might as well make the best of it, so I’d try to enjoy myself and offer a little banter, test the waters. But I doubt I could stop my mind from racing in the background. “Okay, so when I get home, I need to check Glassdoor or ask around for their turnover rate and calculate when a safe return date is. If they have a high turnover, I might be able to come back in a few months, but if people usually stick around, I might want to wait a year, so maybe their memory is foggy, and I can deny that I was that guy from a year ago.” You’d probably notice that I was distracted and get uncomfortable. Hopefully, the dinner date goes quickly to make the awkwardness a little more bearable. I usually offer to pay the check, then I’d offer to walk you to your car to be polite, hoping you’d decline. I’d get out of there, go home, do something to distract myself from how weird that was, and definitely 100% ghost. Not out of rudeness. You look really pretty, and for convenience, I’m assuming we have compatible personalities, but just because I don’t know if I could handle a repeat of that.
I’m single BTW.
Dark Brandon eyes
Ain’t admitting shit. I’m not ashamed to say it’s not an option for me. I’ve been fucking proclaiming it for years.
I’d recognize that cover anywhere. Hope it’s not a prop. How you enjoying LOTR?
I get a facial every time I talk politics with my family too…
Thanks for marking this nsfw
I need to know the full cards so bad
Yeah but the babies also wouldn’t have been born without him, had an HIV positive parent and he did a ton for crispr research. He was only disgraced ‘disappeared’ and jailed because PR was bad. He really didn’t do anything too awful (I think he was too manipulative of the parents) but most of the media you see paints him like doctor fucking Mengele.
Worst thing I’ve ever fucking read.
Garden require seed
Why do that when you already have so much anal lube?