It’s owned and populated by history and science/engineering YouTubers, so if you’re not usually watching that side of YouTube, you might not find much on Nebula for you.
It’s owned and populated by history and science/engineering YouTubers, so if you’re not usually watching that side of YouTube, you might not find much on Nebula for you.
Name an industry where a private corporation competes with a local government monopoly?
This example was provided as an estimated upper limit - you could drive to basically the furthest-away big city within 60 hours. Other cities would be substantially less than that, because that’s an upper limit.
Driving from a small town on the western tip of NC… let’s say Franklin, NC, to Washington DC takes only 8 hours… but driving to Knoxville, TN or Atlanta, GA would only take you 2 hours.
If that drive takes you “days” by car, you might have an issue.
Gave me a chuckle to see “have kids, move away, go to prison, and die” listed as a typical life trajectory.
You don’t recognize the ruling party on the Chinese mainland? What is this, Taiwan?
I think there’s a disconnect here. You’re saying that every state uses violence to maintain their rule/internal stability, which is true. But you’re responding in a thread that’s pointing out how weird it is to support LGBT rights on the one hand and support Russia and China on the other, where same-sex couples are not treated equally under the law. So I’m not asking “why are you ok with state-monopolized force”. I’m asking “why are you ok with these particular states”.
The fact that it’s a “political extremist forum” is actually a pretty compelling argument for defederation.
Forgive me if I’m over-simplifying your position, but did you just say “Who cares if they’re authoritarian, as long as they’re my kind of authoritarian”?
That’s nonsense - bad ideologies take hold in “normal” people all the time! I’m sure we all have that one uncle who was taken in by all the Q-anon talk, or that one friend who ended up joining a cult.
The problem with that approach depends on the issue we’re talking about. To continue picking on the Nazis: allowing them to “just ask questions” for example is a great way to allow them to spread their ideology in a way that thoughtful moderation could prevent.
That is one thing that strikes me. Whenever I look at All, I mostly see bad memes and political “hot takes”. I guess it’s good for engagement, but it’s nothing I’d recommend to anyone yet.
Do you even hear yourself?
“I’m concerned that there’s gonna be a lot of Nazi stuff on here.” “Step off with your advertiser friendly BS”
Thank god for this comment! Reading these comments is like: “Genocide is good sometimes” “People have too many rights” “We should stop trying to make this better” “Man, this Pokémon game is good!”
Doesn’t “pollution” refer to material that is released into the environment? We could make an argument about uranium mining being polluting (because it is), but operating a nuclear plant does not create pollution during operation.
I could see those things, except what’s wrong with my shoes? I’ve never heard anything like that before.
Dude, kids are gonna be bullied literally no matter what. Sometimes for no reason at all! It’s the parents’ job to help the kids deal with it in a healthy way. I don’t see why you’re pretending they would be “martyrs” any more than I was a “martyr” for my right to… have a few more freckles than the other kids.
Oh, it’s a publicly-funded position? Then the drivers ought to work for free, right? Why, it’s practically welfare if the taxpayer is footing the bill! (/s I hope is obvious)
I mean… if nobody wants to do a job for the pay allotted, then the pay is by definition too low. You can make other changes that bring the acceptable pay range down (make kids not be assholes or something idk) but in the end it’s always about the pay at the end of the day.
Honestly once I realized Factorio works there really just isn’t time for anything else!
Or, historically, when you’re building a new factory, the first thing you do is build a rail connection right next to it