8 months agoI’ve just started A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers. I saw it on the shelf at the library yesterday and said, “Hmmm, I remember when this came out and I forgot to read it.” So, 24 years later I’m finally reading it. So far, it’s really good. I enjoy books that are playful with the reader, self-aware narrators, etc. and this one starts that way right off the bat. You’re even invited to send your copy of the book back to the publisher in exchange for something else! It’s truly a heartbreaking story but with a huge sense of humor.
I’m older (49) and suckier, but I beat Super Mario Bros 1 to 3. I played Kirby and I don’t know… I don’t wish it was harder. Part of the fun was that it was easy I think.