I can also recommend Libretube or Clipious for Android
I can also recommend Libretube or Clipious for Android
What speaks against torrents with mullvad?
Tbh, I had to block the adblock message with unlock. What’s your filter list?
I think it is useful when you don’t have an OLED screen. Else you can just have an AOD
They need something to become sustainable. They’ve been making losses for years. But thata definetly not the way. Other ways would be to lock some future features behind paywalls, and / or to increase their cut of the sales price per unit sold in the future.
Point out where I spoke for all women?
About there:
the fact that women find being attracted to imaginary women a pretty big turn off.
I dont feel threatened at all. Im just saying its dumb to speak in behalf of all women when it is just your opinion. And your double standards are also interesting. When you tell the world, what you consider a turn off but can’t handle it for me to say the same.
Essentially it is exactly the proof against what you were saying: Even though I might find people sexually attractive from a visual impression, overall attraction to a person is way more nuanced.
I have a last question for you: Do you also have the same disgust towards people who would say that the girl with a pearl earring, or any other painted or drawn person is attractive?
And this human being here is the prophet of all female human beings and can speak in behalf of all of them. I myself find it a big turn off for a person to be so insecure about what defines them as attractive, besides their visual appearance.
The same word could also be used to evaluate if you should kill an insect, so what’s the point? It is a short form for: “Do you find given appearance sexually attractive, or not?” That term would be a bit long for a button, wouldn’t it?
So you’re saying men aren’t allowed to find women attractive that are objectively more attractive then them?
Vor the site you have visited and has some hidden SEO spam related to its topic.
Some OSes allow per app firewall, so the easiest way would be to disable network connection for that app in the android settings.
Have you tried using exclusive terms with quotation marks? Like “how to get rich fast” That should only feature sites with exactly that search term. Additionally you could link words with + between them i think.
Thank you, I’ll give Magic earth a try
Replied to the wrong comment. sry
I also enjoy that one, but I found out, that the file transfer doesn’t work on my university network.
We had a TV report about a photographer who actually transfered big files with via horse because the transfer over the internet was slower than a calm ride. (Germany - 2021) link for Germans