longest wavelength, yes, and lowest frequency, yes
thanks for the precision
did you try making the text bigger and using red text instead of white?
red, being the slowest color visible for human eyes, is physically the easiest
astigmatic left eye here 👁️🍛
which regional apps are you trying to install?
vpn + anonymous session?
wouldn’t a cheap walkie-talkie be more practical in that situation?
i remember using this app some time ago ☞ https://f-droid.org/packages/org.jsl.wfwt/
Whereas eggplant was coined in English, most of the diverse other European names for the plant derive from the Arabic: باذنجان bāḏinjān. Bāḏinjān is itself a loan-word in Arabic, whose earliest traceable origins lie in the Dravidian languages. The Hobson-Jobson dictionary comments that “probably there is no word of the kind which has undergone such extraordinary variety of modifications, whilst retaining the same meaning, as this”.
it’s now allowed to generate that kind of content
now allowed or not allowed?
monochrome illustration of shocked fullMoon seen through clouds with (1 rocket hitting its left eye), fullmoon face is surrounded by clouds, in shock
- ground, 2 rockets, contrails, colors
worked on this for almost 2 hours (in bed with flu) with about 5 branches of generation. Prompt is modified according to results (even if an entry doesn’t make sense here, it made a difference at some time)
A Trip to the Moon / Le voyage dans la lune - 1902, Georges Méliès
allo never follows the instructions and they rarely follow the theme 🤭
this could have easily been an image about fuckCars. At least it’s from cinema :)
you have my upvote allo, though you probably won’t see this message.
can you post the screenshot of the original scene for comparison?
i wish the shoulders were still masculine though :/
i will add a question to theirs: Why is Fedora not in the suggestions?
i’m only interested in negative criticism, if you please. What made you avoid or stop using Fedora?
not my words, i was referring to Plato’s Phaedrus to make fun of the “ai bad” comment. I’m sorry. Forgive me.
Socrates tells a brief legend, critically commenting on the gift of writing from the Egyptian god Theuth to King Thamus, who was to disperse Theuth’s gifts to the people of Egypt. After Theuth remarks on his discovery of writing as a remedy for the memory, Thamus responds that its true effects are likely to be the opposite; it is a remedy for reminding, not remembering, he says, with the appearance but not the reality of wisdom. Future generations will hear much without being properly taught, and will appear wise but not be so, making them difficult to get along with.
No written instructions for an art can yield results clear or certain, Socrates states, but rather can only remind those that already know what writing is about. Furthermore, writings are silent; they cannot speak, answer questions, or come to their own defense.
Accordingly, the legitimate sister of this is, in fact, dialectic; it is the living, breathing discourse of one who knows, of which the written word can only be called an image. The one who knows uses the art of dialectic rather than writing:
“The dialectician chooses a proper soul and plants and sows within it discourse accompanied by knowledge—discourse capable of helping itself as well as the man who planted it, which is not barren but produces a seed from which more discourse grows in the character of others. Such discourse makes the seed forever immortal and renders the man who has it happy as any human being can be.”
you’re wrong for using writing. Writing leads to laziness and forgetfulness. Future generations will hear much without being properly taught and will appear wise but not be so.
no thank you for this pathetic comment :/
T-1000 is one of my favorite fictional characters / creations
i would like to be made of liquid metal instead of flesh & bones 😢
this is from a month ago ☞ https://guardian.ng/news/world/eu-takes-uk-to-european-court-over-citizens-rights-post-brexit/
The EU on Monday said it was taking Britain to the European Court of Justice for infringing rules on the free movement of the bloc’s citizens and their family members after Brexit.
The European Commission said it believed that “there were several shortcomings” in Britain’s implementation of treaties at the end of 2020.
“The European Commission decided to refer the United Kingdom to the Court of Justice of the European Union… for failure to comply with EU law on free movement of EU citizens and their family members at the end of 2020,” the commission said in a statement.
i remember reading many witness accounts of postBrexit difficulties.
for finding new connections, team sports, volunteering &c may help. Go for the activities that people can’t do alone.
where are you moving from? (Ireland will be easier for a European.)
in any case, as an immigrant you will have an almost insupportable amount of relations with the state that’s controlling the territory. Having some contacts doesn’t mean much unless you’re married to these contacts or unless they’re family. Your intimacy, private life will be transformed to data, to documents, mountains of documents.
The most important thing for the “host” state is money, money and money ( if you write that you’re an anarchist, i assume you aren’t “rich” (greed and anarchy come rarely together). The only thing that matters is if you’ll bring money or not. There’s no “best way to move to a different country” unless you’re rich and even that may be difficult if you’re coming from a country whose citizens are unwelcome.
good luck to you
ps: don’t tell the immigration officers that you’re an anarchist 🙃
are you still slow when you’re at a stop?