You should definitely do it! it’s honestly easier than you might think, it’s just the nerves at the end to make sure you don’t get hit off prayer, but getting to Jad is no problem.
You should definitely do it! it’s honestly easier than you might think, it’s just the nerves at the end to make sure you don’t get hit off prayer, but getting to Jad is no problem.
I’m doing alright (I think), never sure what to do in game so I usually log on and do a herb run and contracts, then log off.
I wanna start working on maxing, but slayer is really daunting; the rest I think are totally fine.
Sepulchre is so good, it’s basically my happy place in OSRS and actually makes Agility a top tier skill in my opinion. I ended up getting 94 agility very early on my ironman just from how much I enjoyed it which set me up very nicely for so many things.
Wish we had more agility courses like sepulchre and maybe everyone would stop complaining about doing rooftops.
Isn’t this literally what Waistline is for Android? You create your own local food database (which you can automatically fetch info from Open Food Facts or USDA if desired, but not required) which lets you put in as many nutriments to track as you wish, all with graphs and information with different timelines.
No clue if there’s anything like this for desktop.
Definitely Phantasy Star Online - even today I still play and work on it because it’s just the perfect type of game for myself.
You can have links open in NewPipe by setting it in Android’s settings:
Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> NewPipe -> Open by default
And then set things up in there
There was definitely a lot of support for this merger - people see it as ABK’s “redemption arc”, and there was a lot of excitement around ABK games coming to GamePass / other platforms like Steam because of this.
Ultimately this is how people think: What is in the merger for them? And they don’t think macro, but just simple things like “now I can finally get this game on [platform]”
They also host a Matrix instance at!
Firefox fork with features like the sidebar, vertical tabs, and more. It’s a vivaldi-like gecko browser, give it a shot.
In this case, I would check out the Floorp browser. It is a Firefox fork that plans to be more like Vivaldi and have lots of features, including vertical tabs.
Yes, because I want my friends (who aren’t tech orientated) and interest groups (which aren’t tech orientated) to be on the Fediverse.
They’re always complaining about this, that, and the other about the big platforms but they have so many hang ups regarding Fedi software, so they don’t use them.
A lot of it is perception, but you have to try and make it so people don’t have those perceptions or break them.
I’d really love to see the conservatives completely collapse like this, although I suspect it isn’t going to happen. One can dream though.
Debian doesn’t push the responsibility to the user to finish setting things up though, it is designed to be complete out of the box, especially since Debian 12.
For what it’s worth on my computer with a GTX 1650 and Debian 12, I am unable to use Wayland at all as the drivers simply do not work (yes, this is the nvidia-driver package, not nouveau). On Plasma, everything seems to move at a snail’s pace, and on GNOME the desktop is constantly flickering and showing old portions of the screen. X11 is perfectly fine though.
On my cheap laptop with integrated AMD graphics though? Debian 12 with Wayland works like a charm and has no issues.
So, I’m going with nvidia being the problem here.
I don’t get this take - because if this was the plan, why not just shut Twitter down straight away instead of whatever is going on right now?
The actions of the platform don’t indicate they’re trying to kill it, just that they have really bad ideas trying to make money off it.
Hmm? I’m sorry, I’m not following because all distributions follow the same format here, which is that you flash an ISO to a USB stick (or other removable media).
This is, in fact, how it also works for Windows.
I definitely agree their website needs work, it is very confusing to browse if you need anything other than the net installer! I find everything else by using search engines instead.
Your issue seems less the command line and that things aren’t “working”, or the tools you want aren’t pre-packaged.
Using Arch Linux was not the best idea if you want something that “just works”, as it works on a philosophy where you install the minimum amount required and then add things, such as drivers or packages, as you need them. In other words, it’s a distribution where you know what you need for your system. It is also a command-line centric distribution, so it’s strange that “GUI” is your bug bear when you picked one that deliberately forces command line.
Regarding overclocking and GPU configuration, you just get CoreCtrl, which even has a GUI.
Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely agree that everything should have a user interface as much as possible, but the whole “Linux means you have to use command line all the time!!” is simply just not true anymore, and I feel this issue comes from people recalling memories from 10 years ago or using distributions where command line is necessary, rather than something like Ubuntu or Linux Mint where it mostly isn’t.
Have people installed Debian since Debian 12? The installer is very straight forward, and Debian 12 also comes with all the firmware modules to make things “just work” for people.
I would like to know exactly what Debian does wrong other than a blanket statement of “it’s hard”.
Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense for the article title to specify it’s specifically about the US, then? The US is the only country that doesn’t do this and it’s really annoying when just browsing (especially since is hosted by a Dutch individual using software made by Europeans).
Your “suggestion” is far more condescending.
I’m at 80, I just find it really boring in general but it might be because I’m forcing myself to do certain tasks for things I need (KQ, Lizardmen, Demonic Gorillas, etc), and until I have those things I’m stuck doing these tasks!