You’re thinking of the Korean War. The best pilots the Vietnamese had was Vietnamese - and they were damn good, too.
Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.
You’re thinking of the Korean War. The best pilots the Vietnamese had was Vietnamese - and they were damn good, too.
But “I came to grope and I ain’t leaving”
Pretty much US foreign policy, if you ask me.
an ignorant decadent American college student.
Those Yankee college students staging protests on US campuses are far better at “doing” democracy than all the voting you could do over a lifetime put together.
Perhaps it’s best that you don’t try to flex about something you don’t seem to know too much about, okay?
Elections might be skewed,
If you want to see this glorified rubberstamping of elite rule through those kind of rose-tinted spectacles, fine.
But don’t call it “democracy.”
I used to be cynical like you
If you think seeing through propaganda is “cynicism,” boy, do I have bad news for YOU.
is the hard-won achievement of generations of people who came before you.
Really? The generations of people who resisted and fought against THIS EXACT STATUS QUO would be proud of these glorified rubberstamping spectacles which only exist to legitimize elite rule?
Boring liberal representative democracy is the exception in world history.
Really? So the ongoing genocide your “boring liberal representative democracy” is funding is… an exception? The history books says otherwise.
Most people in the world have never had the opportunity that you have to influence your government.
Lol! Do I sound like a billionaire parasite to you?
then I for one don’t care what you have to say about politics.
What’s the matter, liberal? Is all the cognitive dissonance starting to make you feel queesy?
They should shut up about politics
Not participating in fake, anti-democratic spectacles (somehow) “disqualifies” one from talking about politics?
It is… if you don’t have the time or energy to do all that fact-checking because you have to work yourself to the bone just to afford rent.
It doesn’t correlate with liberalism across the world.
Really? Find me an anti-capitalist liberal. that should be very easy if this…
It doesn’t correlate with liberalism across the world.
…was the truth.
How is this true?
No, it’s not true. The liberals never had the working class’ backs.
Liberalism fetishizes capitalism, remember?
I don’t doubt Bernie Sanders though - he seems like a straight truth teller.
He’s not consciously lying - Bernie, like all liberals, actually believes you can (somehow) represent both the interests of the working class while also representing the interests of the capitalist class that is parasitizing off their labor. As any leftist will tell you, this is pure delusion.
I needed an ELI5 really.
Liberals essentially cover for both capitalists and fascists. See, capitalist and fascist ideology are very unpopular on their own, so liberals come up with all kinds of ways to pretend that rich people owning everything is good for everyone (capitalism) or pretending that more police repression means more safety (fascism).
Liberalsm essentially acts as the pretend-friendly “facade” ideology of this unholy trio - so yes, it’s simply coherent for leftists to despise liberalism.
Remember - they didn’t throw Martin Skhreli into rich-guy’s prison because he caused thousands of people to die by raising the prices on lifesaving medicines out of reach of poor folk… no, no, no, they threw him into rich guy’s prison because he embezzled some of his fellow rich parasites’ money.
The way it looks is the way it is.
This is why lions never hunt zebra from the air.
Nicely done.
If Batman was real today, he’d be Donald Trump.
That’s what these (alleged) “super heroes” really are… idealized, ubermensch-esque metaphors for the actual power wielded by the rich and privileged.
In fact, I’d say that Batman is the ultimate Objectivist wet dream - he perfectly personifies the fascist (as Batman) and the capitalist (as Bruce Wayne) in one person. Even Ayn Rand’s creepazoid ancap sugar-daddy “heroes” didn’t manage that.
I used to… but now I don’t.
Such “equally opposing forces” are purely media creations - there are no such things in actual politics. For instance, there is no such thing as a “far left” - it was purely created by liberal media to be a neat (but entirely fictional) “equally opposing force” for their shitty “both-side-ism” narratives.
They are perfectly on point with the whole “flooding the world with infoshit” thing… though, as the recent collapse of Israel’s media coddling shows, it seems that it’s not working as intended.
We have lots of space here… unfortunately, it’s also the only thing we have enough of.
Well, that IS the whole reason for having police in the first place.