Crazy. North Korea throwing poop. China going on an axe rampage. Which asylum will take those two please?
Nope. It’s consequential. They need to raise their shareholder value in any way that’s legal, even if it’s not morally right. If they won’t do that, they’d get into trouble. For corporations tax loopholes are there to be exploited.
Making those loopholes illegal is what will fix this. Then you can call it good craftsmanship by politicians. Right now you can barley call it shoddy.
I also have been personally victimized by honk!
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Der Untersuchungszeitraum soll am 24. Februar 2022 beginnen und mit dem Beschluss des Bundestages über die Einsetzung des zweiten Untersuchungsausschusses enden.
Wow, wie bequem. :) Mit absichtlich herbeigeführtem Gedächtnisverlust. Bloß nicht auf die eigene Amtszeit schauen, nein nein.
Given this reaction, he seems to be doing something which is working.
Er wurde aber nicht wegen seinen Anzeigen verurteilt, sondern wegen etwas aus seiner Schulzeit.
Merke: keine Leichen im Keller haben wenn man sich Feinde machen möchte.
What people do for media attention…
Is this the dishonest communication we heard about?
Physical shutoff via relays is required by the standard. We’ve just been through a scandal where a manufacturer skimped out on putting them in and had to recall the devices.
Yes, because the frequency of the grid is also a trigger for shutting off the inverter. Inverters generate a frequency which indicates a “non healthy grid” that trigger the shutoff of connected inverters.
You’re right. It was the eighth movie. My bad. I didn’t even remember Nemesis. It kinda is the Star Trek V but for TNG.
So, is it basically something like overpaneling in PV systems, where the total amount of energy which could theoretic be harvested through the panels (surface area times efficiency) is higher than the maximum possible energy throughout of the inverter? This leads to a steady energy throughout which is capped by the inverter, providing a “buffer” for shaded conditions, morning, evening, etc.
Star Trek 10 - First Contact is also pretty solid.
And then he morbed all over them!
I wonder why Sound Euphonium 3 from KyoAni isn’t in that list? Too niche because the last season was so long ago?
Which will result in only those remaining which are complicit. This is clearly a negative outcome. 1. For the people resigning, as resigning didn’t advance their cause, but made the situation worse. 2. For society, because it made the institution less trustworthy.
I’m surprised that’s still around. Is the average age still 14 on these networks?