This was really nice. Thank you for sharing 😺
This was really nice. Thank you for sharing 😺
slayyy ⚔️💑
Cats know best 😽
Adorable 😻
Beautiful mane 🦁
In this moment dear Milo came into possession of the one brain cell 🤯
Sweet baby ❤️
well placed bed 😺
Or that the observable universe could be inside of a black hole. Don’t watch too many black hole videos before bed.
Planet 9 is not a primordial black hole and it can’t hurt you. 🙀
The 8’s in that font look strange.
Decided ❌ Accepted ✅
In Vim’s predecessor, vi, switching modes was easy, with the ESC key located neatly by the Q on the keyboard of the ADM-3A terminal. On modern keyboards, though, it’s a pain …
A simple trick in vim to alleviate the pain of reaching for the ESC key is using alt + l
However, this may or may not work depending on the install. I don’t remember what exactly this keybind is for but on some systems I’ve seen it insert a special character. I’ve found it typically works with vim-enhanced and neovim.
The crow eating my entrails IS work; Let me tell you your fortune 🔮
Why did an OLED TV suddenly appear?
“There are no children [to abuse], only young adults ;-)”
First-term state Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs, who sponsors the child labor measure and owns Smoothie King franchises across the Deep South, said people have been too critical of his bill. “The wording is ‘we’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he says. "These are young adults.”
This is the quote and it’s appalling.
blep! it’s in my mouth!
Please do notice that he replied to himself a month after the fact. He was cooking that up for an entire month 😹