Well that’s disturbing
Nothing to see here
Well that’s disturbing
Lying liar lies. Who’da thunk it
If I was American I’d be so embarrassed
Looks fake. An earlier post claims to live in California but the photo shows an EU power socket.
What a cunt
Definitely agree with you there. In an effort to appear balanced they try and present different sides of an argument as if they’re both valid. I guess that’s how Farage got on so much.
To be fair to the BBC, they’re ‘supposed’ to report the facts without judgement. How successful they are at that is debated endlessly, you can find anyone of any political flavour who will swear blind the BBC is ‘obviously’ biased against ‘them’. They can’t win no matter what they do.
Beautiful everything
This is probably a rude question but have you umm, had a little enhancement?
Other reasons?
I’m so jealous of you guys
Can I watch?
Your wife, is she single? Enquiring for a friend
Oh get a room you two.
Then film it and post it online.
Lol. This is perfect
Is this from a set?
Have any flat earthers attempted to show how our solar system works with a flat planet?
It blows my mind that so many Americans saw this petulant, orange manchild and thought yes, this man should lead us.