House and Breaking bad are good ones that I’ve seen.
I’m looking it up and I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Succession until now. It looks really good. The vibe I’m kind of getting is Breaking bad/Media corporation?
House and Breaking bad are good ones that I’ve seen.
I’m looking it up and I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Succession until now. It looks really good. The vibe I’m kind of getting is Breaking bad/Media corporation?
You seem to already do tagging the same as beastclub.
[Equine] title “credit the artist at the end of your title”
[Cute] title (AI)
I’m not talking some dictatorial standard for every post. Just an agreed upon format for those who do tagging and want it to be consistent. Like, let’s take a vote or something.
Well of course the “when applicable” part would still apply.
I’m just talking about the communities that want tags, and have them already.
Maybe we should agree on a standard for those.
At the very least it’s something for the people that want to tag posts will have something to go by.
Same. I was positive I saw burggit listed on the official Lemmy website but then disappear a day or two later.
Caught my intrigue as well.
So basically a middleman instance with access to both? I like that idea a bit.
I just don’t know how feasible it would be.
I can already see the posts "X is federated with Y! Defederate against them too or you we’ll say you support child rape!’
Or even “X is a front instance for pedophiles!”
What’s the defence against that?
It might just be better to have alts IMO.
Loyalty. I have a thing for yanderes because that undying loyalty is a beautiful thing. There are many uncertainties in life and it’d be nice to have a relationship that’s not one of them.
Silence hasn’t been updated in four years. I’m not sure I trust it to patch any future vulnerabilities.
The rest seems like a non-issue though. Plenty of open source apps to put in by default.
For once I agree with justices Barret and Thomas.
This would set a ridiculous precedent.
I think the guy should have gone to prison but through a slightly different charge. Not the person feeling threatened. These days people feel threatened by you using their birth name or referring to you by your sex.
Feeling threatened should not be grounds for a conviction. Proving their intent to carry out those threats should be.
Can you send me a link to that Nebula vid? It might provide me with some perspective.
Alphabet’s profit increased 36 percent, to $20.64 billion, in the fourth quarter.
I think they’re doing alright for themselves. There’s no way this profit all comes from YouTube.
If YouTube premium came with privacy guarantees I would definitely pay for it. Sadly with YouTube premium you’re being taken advantage for both your data and your money. If they picked one over the other I would definitely pick the paid one over them selling my personal data.
To be fair, the amount of disparaging words made after the term “Cis, white, male” is extremely high.
How dare they not hate harmless art like the majority does.
I don’t know about your DNS provider farming queries through your search engine (I guess by fetching the content of the visible results?) but I do know that if you have search suggestions on then everything you type is sent to your search engine and recorded before you even hit enter.
Supposedly DuckDuckGo doesn’t retain this data but I’ve been out of the loop so that may have changed at some point. I’ve heard conflicting stories about their privacy and I haven’t dug into it yet.
For DNS providers though you can check out these: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/dns/#recommended-providers
I find it amusing how often these groups say “No bigotry” in their rules, but make the exception whenever it fits their beliefs. Almost like it’s virtue signalling or something.
Not to mention the predictable “No *phobia”. Which in of itself is intolerance of other views.
Essentially giving out tickets for jaywalking when there’s a robbery going down a few feet away.
It means I’m an idiot. Haha
I meant to say something along the lines of
“People who prioritize hunting down artists and those who download art are prolonging the real abuse and sexual exploitation of actual children.” That’s not to say it’s an active effort to, but it’s a result of misappropriating effort.
I just woke up when I wrote that and am still tired so sorry for the typos and wording.
I got kinda bummed that someone over at the exploding-heads instance was spreading bullshit about that.
Denmark has no laws restricting loli art. Why? Because after all their studies and research they failed to prove it could actually harm real children. We’re finding similar stuff in the U.S.
Even showing a clear case that it helps reduce child harm.
People that prioritize drawings over art are really hurting actual victims here.
I think Seal might work for you.
What @LongerDonger@burggit.moe said earlier makes sense.
What I’m seeing is happening now is:
“[Group(Artist/Author)] Title (Media being parodied if applicable) (chapter(s) if applicable) (language if not in English)”
“[Music Genre] Artist - Song”
“Tag your posts” “Credit the artist”
“Title (Author)”
“(Author) Title”
“Title” author in the body text"
So a general consensus as to order placement and formatting would be good. It would help with not breaking the rules accidentally in each community and help with reading the titles. Also people who are non-native English speakers will understand which part of a title is the authors name as sometimes they have names that be mixed up with the content. For instance I just found an author “Freedom” which could easily be the title of an orgasm picture.