I just got food poisoning last weekend from cauliflower wings and I still support tf out of this take. I will never eat at that same place but my love of deep-fried cauliflowers does not abate!
Yippee Ki‐Yay, motherfucker. You piece of shit.
OR, if aired on TNT,
Yippee Ki‐Yay, mother father. You piece of shirt.
So, ah, can we start this revolution already!? I’m so sick and tired of reading these shitass headlines day in and day out. At some point we need to get up off our selfish, distracted asses and let loose the new wave of liberty, no? And this is critical to me, too, but I’m just saying…why are we largely staying silent anymore???
I don’t even like caramel but those empanadas were an absolute delight when I was broke and just entering my adulthood. I would literally look for change just to get one.
Yes! Even Wendy’s nuggs suck now, and that’s a real shame. They were the closest thing to that peppery goodness I remember of childhood. Also, nice low key ‘fuck you’ to capitalism and corporate greed, I dig it.
Speaking of good names…
perpetually increasingly unstable drag coefficient
Band name?
In the video, Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab 'em by the pussy.”
Awa, a place to stay · Get your booty on the floor tonight. Make my day…
I hear ebay is testing no selling fees for individual sellers on most items, so there’s that possibility. They did it in Germany and it was a hit, so it’s slowly coming stateside I think.
That’s exactly my biggest takeaway from my experience with a ‘nader. I was a fairly safe distance from it, clearly didn’t kill me, but as it moved closer the sandpaper wind was absolute misery. Imagine being so scared for your life and needing to see in order to get the fuck away from danger, but your eyes refuse to open to the sandblasting.
And that’s how you double-down when confronted with resistance from paying bigots. I’m looking at you, Target…
They sure will, they’re just a bunch of Musk cucks
Add some honey to this if you want another sweet treat that’s fairly healthy to add. I basically want to die of sweetness so honey just hits on top of that toasted goodness 🤤
Debra Wilson absolutely nails the therapist’s voice wow
$420 mil blaze it
I’ll let myself out now
There are 3 of us! I love the idea of a sleeve of tats but there’s just no chance in hell I’ll make a choice on WHAT the sleeve would consist of. At this point, I feel kinda counter-culture not having any so there’s that at least
Did you forget Pluto!? ⚪️ < actual size