Vote négatif.
Vote négatif.
They compete to have the largest carbon footprint.
Awful deal, but UK desperate to demonstrate itself as a vassal of the US. It’s disgusting.
Insider trading and narcissism.
This is the same Missing In Action (MIA) lie the US used to justify continued aggression in Asia.
Maybe she’ll endorse Liz Chaney for Governor.
What will she do differently to Newsom? “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”
That’s $4.5 trillion that will trickle down to all of us, any day now, just you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait…
He has more than one.
ADL easily calls out this symbol as one “adopted by Hitler as the primary emblem of the Nazis,” but can’t say the same about an extremely recognizable salute also adopted by Hitler as a primary symbol of the Nazis.
Just increase income tax on the richest—problem solved. Oh, but the Labour Party would rather lay off teachers.
I did Nazi that coming (said autopilot to the stationary fire truck).
In-space refueling coming next year, definitely in the next year, it will probably have FSD and brain implant technology too, one hundred percent not just CGI bullshit.
This moment seems as good as any. Please hurry!
Sane statespeople of the world, unite!
Unhyphenated. Also, nonhyphenated is correct in multiple style manuals.
Let him ‘occupy Mars.’
The Democrats are the opposition. Their job is to oppose. Their opposition must be as forceful as the Republicans’ actions are crazy. Table tennis bat signs are not going to cut it.