Ah, thanks, that is a great tool
Ah, thanks, that is a great tool
Thanks for your answer. I’m well versed in Linux and Docker due to heavy personal and professional use. For me it is a I-cannot-know-what-I-don’t-know situation. Your explanations of the tools helps quite a lot. When I have enough time again (maybe at the weekend) I will setup Mullvad and some of the mentioned tools, without loading first. Then, when I’m sure bout the setup I can start
Thanks, that are some good tips, I will make sure to follow. I’m planing to set up a VM in my homelab for this.
Just read about i2p for the first time. How slow is the download speed in real life? I could live with slow speeds, as long as it doesn’t get ridiculously slow.
Though that shouldn’t help them if you are using a VPN, right? Then they cannot see my private IP, only the VPNs IP.
Ah, thanks. I will definitely look further into that. Doing things in Docker containers is something I already do for many other self hosted services
Thats what I have in my home network. Upstream is currently cloudflares
Sorry to hear that. How exactly are these traps made? Is there some code executed on your side, which reveals your true IP? Or how are they doing it?
Crypto or cash VPNs being more suspicious for law enforcement is also a good point
XD cash over mail, ok. But I guess for only a couple of euros that is worth a try. They seem to be located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Might try that. Honestly their website is really based. Thats for the suggestion with cash over mail.
For what would I need port forwarding?
I’m having doubts about the VPN provider not logging. To trust them is a decision to be made. For simple things (like masking my internet usage when in a public wifi) I use my own OpenVPN server on my VPS. Though I cannot use this for piracy, since I’m the only user and it is directly liked to my name and address (through my VPS hoster).
About DNS: When I setup the VPN, the DNS queries should also go through there, right? Should I additionally look into DNS Sec? For my complete home network I already ditched the ISPs DNS server (currently using cloudflares I probably would setup a VM in my NUC, that I got recently, for the services.
Thanks for your advice. I’m thinking about this for quite a while now. When I start sailing, I want to be prepared. Currently I’m collecting all the information. Then I will decide, if I want to try it.
Hey fellow german :D
Yeah, trusting the VPN provider to not log is a decision I was hesitant to make. Do you take precautions when paying for the VPN service, like paying with crypto or similar? I guess easiest would be paying via paypal or similar, but is that OK for opsec?
I guess I have to do a bit more research about trackers, which and how to use them. Thats for sharing your setup.
Wow, OK. How does this work? Does it monitor swarms and log the IPs?