And if you could photoshop in the smell of damp dust and darkness
And if you could photoshop in the smell of damp dust and darkness
rush to my willy
Is this accurate? No one’s impaled my neck before except a bee that one time.
On the one hand, love
On the other, I’m an American by way of birth lottery and hate borders. Comrade for me!
It’s not a 133cast it’s a 4cast
What’s not to love about 3pm dusk (assuming that the sun even rose every day)??
Jesus always finds a way
Thanks — and it didn’t come across that way
I looooooooooove how green everything is so early in the year. Or when it’s snowing in the passes but the cherry blossoms have erupted in Seattle.
Caveat that every tolerable place on Earth seems a little like Eden when I’m not there.
just drop them off
This makes me morally and physically gag
Euthanasia is more humane than a lot of ancient humans’ last couple years.
And there are mountains of child-abuse victims who never abuse children. MJ was treated worse than most children can even imagine but the advantages he took on other children is unacceptable.
I also don’t recall the president denouncing Hamas very much during his address to the nation about the coup. Literally Hitler.
Sorry. This was more middle-of-the-night attempted sarcasm and even less topical. Sorry.
This is bs propaganda. Here’s the math:
SORRY folks. In the middle of the night I tried to make some sarcasm about the US’s intolerance of non-right-wing governments in the Americas and how many times the CIA has been proven to have helped topple non-right-wing governments. Mea culpa.
Even in Britain, the slow lane on two-human-wide escalators is on the right. It confounds me.
Every time Americans are assigned a Republican president, the amount of Americans entitled to seek asylum elsewhere ticks up again.
Don’t shake them too hard or they stretch. But hang everything absofuckinglutely immediately after they’re outta the washer or dryer. Like rn.
It was a girl bee but I’m into dudes so