Can’t cut taxes if you don’t pay taxes to begin with. Does not compute.
Can’t cut taxes if you don’t pay taxes to begin with. Does not compute.
Gross but reading your comment made me drool ever so slightly.
…and Trump has earned a vote?
My mom recently asked me to cancel her prime reading or whatever for her and it was infuriating. I was in the app and clicked cancel and it went to a browser where I had to click to cancel and that just opened the app where I had to click the same link that opened the browser that opened the app that opened the browser. I was getting fucking pissed when it suddenly finally opened the link in the browser so I could cancel. I’m 99% sure they actually have it coded to open in the browser after 10 tries or something to make it difficult but can’t run afoul of legislation since you can technically do it if you are tenacious enough.
I get so many typos now that aren’t even a word. And I seriously can’t even wirt proofreading anymore because it’s just gotten so bad I no longer even care of I sound like I had a stroke.
I would argue that firing them seems like a pretty strong political statement.
Lol right? Sure IDGAF if Jeff Bezos gets $500 with everyone else as long as he pays his millions upon millions of taxes. $500 is a drop in the bucket of what he should be paying. Also Amazon the company should undoubtedly be paying way more taxes than it does (if it even does).
Search engines would have to function but yeah that would be nice.
That’s only from one breach. I’d wager that at least 75% of our SSNs are out there since this is constantly happening.
Oh well then keep doing that unless the article got to you and you want to eliminate dairy lol
Adjust your diet. Add pea or soy protein powder if you need to and make sure you’re eating a lot of beans and tofu and tempeh. Most likely losing muscle is due to protein deficiency so that’s your answer.
Oh no it’s illegal to be homeless in Florida. Can’t we put Rudy up in a nice prison somewhere to save him the trouble?
The fan on my heater (it’s a gas stove, not a cooking stove but the other kind) and it has a pretty loud fan that runs during and for a short time after heating.
Awesome. I knew somebody would have the details on that. It’s pretty awful.
Didn’t a black woman in TN or something vote once after being told by a government employee that she was eligible to vote then get sent to prison for it? Just saying.
It isn’t any of their business unless you want it to be so just be vague as hell. “I got another offer that is a good opportunity.” “I’ve decided to pursue other opportunities.” They’ll obviously ask questions and you can just remain vague. “I would rather not discuss specific details of my new job.”
Or if you don’t mind them speculating behind your back you can say as something like “I’ve decided to move on for personal reasons.” Just leave it at that and let them sit there and wonder. Is a family member sick and needs care? Are you sick? Did you get a different job? Do you hate everyone? Are you going to prison? Who knows because you aren’t telling them.
The rest of us are also trapped in a nightmare world that Rudy helped create. Thanks Rudy!
I was hoping it was some kind of lair in a volcano.
flavor of deodorant
Something isn’t right about that…
Have your manual doors, peasant, but I will not debase myself in such a fashion.