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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2022

  • The fact that one publicly shamed you and another put you down after you cried It sounds like they’re on some psycho power trip. I would not be surprised if it’s nothing to do with you or the cost of tax payer money but these people get off on bullying others. Sadly the health care industry is full of narcissists and bullies.

    Here are some things I would say to the psychos:

    1. “We spend billions on the defence industry for hypothetical security threats that never happen, why can’t we spend that money to save british lives from ACTUAL health threats that they can die from? How many people die from war every day vs. How many people die from cancer/strokes?”
    2. The cost of hospitalisation and the long term complications of your health problems would cost the NHS more than paying for the medication for the rest of your life.
    3. I would straight up infront of everyone, like you have written in your post, accuse them of eugenics. “If the medication is costing the government too much what is your solution for me? What is your final solution for me, for disabled, sick, or genetically unclean people who are a burden to society?”
    4. Brag about how much you’re costing the NHS to piss them off. “Yeah I’m such a welfare queen, I hope my health gets worse so I can bankrupt the country, sometimes I think about eating car batteries so I can end up in the ER and suck dry their resources. Call me Princess Kate because I’m recovering from cancer and a huge drain on the tax payer”. I don’t think they’re allowed to deny you your prescriptions but I’m not familiar with NHS entitlements so I would check with the NHS before doing this.

    Most importantly, don’t show them you’re upset because they feed on your tears.

  • Based on the people I know who are like this (both male, female, heterosexual and homosexual). They don’t get out much and don’t meet new people. Another big reason is having high expectations of others and not being able to compromise while at the same time having a lot of insecurities.

    If you are reading this and cannot get a date:

    1. Get out and meet people. If you are shy go somewhere outside of your area/town where no one knows you, that way if you embarass yourself you’ll never see them again.
    2. Try to make more friends first, it will increase your social circle and boost your confidence.
    3. Don’t be afraid to be cringe. It’s your right as a human to be a little bit cringe as a treat.
    4. Still not sure where to meet people? Join a political activist group.
    5. Lighten up, be positive and have fun! People can tell when someone is stressed/miserable and no one wants to be around a bad vibe.

  • To answer that question first we must understand why environmental activists and union organisers are targetted in the first place. Businesses make money polluting, clearing land etc. They also save money exploiting workers through poor workplace safety, terrible working conditions, low pay etc. It would be an impedance to capital to allow such individual in government to pass laws limiting profits.

    In our liberal democractic world, money wins, no matter what the will of the people is or what the long term outcomes are, the owning class wins every time. It’s not as if people haven’t tried voting for the right person in the past. In many countries there already exist Labour parties established by workers unions. Despite this, business interests always win. Sometimes they throw a few crumbs at the plebs to appease them but it’s always big business that dominates.

    Another example, remember Barack Obama’s election campaign in 2008? Change we can believe in? Then he enters the presidency and bails the banks out during the GFC and continued the war in Iraq. Coca cola hired paramilitaries to kill union organisers in Colombia. Biden campaigned on climate change action and then approved new gas piplines. I can go on and on.

    Answering your question is very hard to do in a short reply. There are many books written about the topic. I recommend the following video: https://youtu.be/fcImfx8tunI?si=FfAJzdCq2qFX2RlI

    Also, search the text “vote harder” in lemmygrad, it’s a meme to mock liberals.