Oooh I haven’t checked there, thank you!
Oooh I haven’t checked there, thank you!
Persimmons. I know they’re available at least in the bay area because I had them when I lived there briefly, but have never found them in my regular home in the pacific northwest. I also don’t remember them as a kid growing up in Tennessee.
It happens so fast! I feel like I only had about a decade of getting the joke.
Cats: I had one that peed through three different couches
Thank you! Yes, ARFID has been on my radar since learning one of my friends has it and I’m curious if my son has it as well. I’ve definitely been guilty of not hiding my excitement when he tries a new food, so that’s a helpful note.
Parenting. Before I had kids I was often judgmental of parents, but now I’ve realized all the things I didn’t take into account and all the things you just don’t have control over. In my case, I was not expecting to be a single parent, there was the pandemic, and I did not factor in how impactful the lack of sleep and autonomy would be.
Yes I agree with all of this!
So far no. He doesn’t like ice cream, which is so wild to me!
No I hadn’t heard of those! I’ll check them out
Yes, that may be the answer. He’s getting help through early intervention and on the waitlist to get tested for autism so see if that’s what’s causing his picky eating. Luckily his pediatrician is not urgently concerned about his diet because he’s growing well enough and seems healthy, but since I’ve stopped breastfeeding I’ve been keeping track of what foods he’s been eating and noticed how few vitamins are in all the things he’ll eat.
Lots of good ideas, thank you!
That’s a good idea. It’s rare, but sometimes he will nibble on banana chips.
Not with real food, but I have saved the mcnuggets box and tried giving him other kinds of chicken nuggets. He nibbled on a couple and then made a look like “well this whole batch is messed up.”
He’s a super picky eater. I serve him a wide variety but the only things he’ll actually eat are the more predictable, processed stuff so I’m trying to make sure he’s at least getting all the vitamins and nutrients he needs.
That’s a good idea. He’s turned down all the cereals we routinely buy, but I should experiment with more of those.
Just ordered some. Thank you!
Mmmmm, I forgot about those
Haribo gummy bears
That looks so tasty! I love all the different colors
My aunt used to work as a “cheese stirrer”