False scarcity and hoarding capital
False scarcity and hoarding capital
*Fossil fuel infrastructure goes vroom
For now… Do you really think they’re immune to enshitification if they become more popular?
If they didn’t sell oil, there wouldn’t be a giant, pseudo-city in the desert. Those people would probably build elsewhere, if at all.
I still don’t get the reasoning behind these sort of geo engineering projects. Let’s say, best case scenario, it works wonders and cools the planet significantly.
The fact that we found a “solution” to the warming temperatures will justify the actions if the corporations pumping tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere. If anything, it will encourage them to pollute more, as there is now a way to solve the problem.
De-growth is the only way to actually solve the problem. But since it’s not profitable, it won’t happen under the current economic system.
I remember reading a study from Japan a few years ago. It related the country’s percent GDP investment in renewables vs power consumption of the population over time. The conclusion was, that the more GDP they invested in renewable power generation, the more overall power was available, which the population consumed.
Old power sources didn’t go away. There is just another source available. It’s an addictive effect, not a replacement of power sources.
I tried searching for the article again a few months later, but I couldn’t find it… I wouldn’t be surprised if it was removed or hidden, considering it is objective evidence against being able to buy our way of this problem.
I’m 30 and I literally have 2 electric skateboards lol
Progress… We should keep using the same methods to stop fossil fuel companies. That’ll show em
I would write something funny to try to win the book… But it’ll probably just join the ever-growing stack of books on my shelf that I will never even start reading…
Same. I consider them a marvel of engineering and an extremely useful tool. But, like any tool, they can be used incorrectly and cause damage.
The issue is work. We work way too much for how productive we’ve become. We should be working like 20hrs a week
If it happens every time, it sort of becomes part of your overall routine. So at least you expect it a bit.
I know, Android is so much better that iOS
It rolls of the tongue a bit nicer than:
“We must dismantle the Prison & Military Industrial Complex and divert those funds into Educating, Feeding, and Housing the working class!”
“Lawyers are responsible”
They’re responsible for the lax climate regulations. They are also responsible for putting more strict regulations in place.
Let’s go Georgia!