Maybe they can feed the dogs fresh pork, however the pork tastes strongly like fascism and class traders.
Silly goober :3
Maybe they can feed the dogs fresh pork, however the pork tastes strongly like fascism and class traders.
Gordon doesn’t need to hear all that, hes a highly trained professional.
Your coworkers desperately need class consciousness, working until your bones give out is not “supporting your family” its being a wage slave.
The right have completely bought into capitalist propaganda and because of that political solidarity with them is near impossible. For one to be free one must liberate their body and mind, if a populous frees themselves from capitalist oppression without class consciousness they will create a new capitalist class. We must educate them when possible but violently resist them when we must, sadly their alligence to tyranny will require resistance.
Bernie and AOC are centrists, they think labor and capital can be compromised. In my opinion I want all of my labor value and I want all of my freedoms, in addition I do not wish to compromise with tyrants. Centrists like them are ok in awful systems such as liberal democracy but under a workers democracy they would be laughed away.
(We will always offer you pay on the lower end of the scale)
By imperialism I am referring to Chinese neocolonialism in Africa. As for Fascism I am referring to the Chinese system of private owmership mixed with indirect government ownership (of which the workers own none of it). In addition the vast majority of the Chinese economy is private, that makes it mixed economy at best.
A “socialist” country with billionaires and wealth inequality? With capitalism and imperialism? That sounds like fascism to me
I was saying that people who unironically support China arent actually leftist
The only holy compiler I need is lord RMSs GCC
Noob, I snort pure Colombian and run LFS directly in my brain using the power of cryptic dreams and messages handed down to me directly by Lord RMS
They have been proven by history
The entire point is you don’t need to wait through a slow installer, you just open discover or software center and install whatever software you need. In addition to being easier and more intuitive its also more secure (you’re less likely to receive binaries from a malicious actor)
Agreed, OSS purity is silly. I am running an open source client (Thunder) to this open source service on my Pixel 9 running GraphineOS, the low level firmware is still absolutely proprietary.
I’m an Anarcho-Syndicalist, I offend ml and hexbear users sometimes just by pointing out that China is a fascist dictatorship. I offend world users by telling the truth some aren’t ready to hear. These truths include the simple facts that you cannot reform capitalism out of existence, liberal democracy is democracy for the capitalists, a bloodless revolution is not possible, and compromise with fascism only brings fascism. Sometimes I offend people by being unapologetically Queer, sometimes by being unapologetically Anarchist, but I have learned that apologizing for my beliefs is utterly nonsensical.
And lord RMS
The only phones that support it are either old or niche, I love my Google Pixel 9 and I would rather not give it up (I also love GraphineOS)
Usually its when I either offend the libs on world or the fake leftists on ml/hexbear. Sometimes if I’m particularly skilled I piss off both of them at the exact same time (usually by advocating for true liberation for the working class not under a so called “vanguard” but by and for the workers themselves)
I use GraphineOS, im pretty sure I wont get this