Seems like we’re getting our tariffs soon too. Gobshite. Wonder what his excuse will be for us since it’s not going to be drugs or borders.
One way to offset the damage would be for the EU and Canada / Mexico to start trading more.
Seems like we’re getting our tariffs soon too. Gobshite. Wonder what his excuse will be for us since it’s not going to be drugs or borders.
One way to offset the damage would be for the EU and Canada / Mexico to start trading more.
Absolutely loving the fire from you guys in the comments in the various threads. 🇮🇪❤️🇨🇦
The EU wouldn’t take us.
I’d actually love to have Canada in the EU. Not sure if the rules would allow it and there would definitely be issues around standards but I feel like most Europeans would be me more than open to the notion.
Weird, I’m using voyager and only see an image.
Glad you like it. It honestly just encompasses so much in two short words.
“Oh he’s a total door puller”.
Boom. You instantly know what you’re dealing with.
Ugh. My friend and I have a name for people like that - door pullers. It came from this one incident we saw while travelling for work where some rich dude started angrily pulling on the door handle of the car because his driver (his actual driver, like not an Uber or taxi) wasn’t fast enough unlocking it.
Deadmau5 is a massive cunt in his own right
Tell me more please. I wasn’t aware of anything to do with him other than his music, some of which I enjoy.
We’ve had one Poland, yes…
Where it should say Russia.
We got a new TV while in lockdown. For about 4 months I would randomly say “Nice TV though”.
Sending this to my English brother in law in 3…2…1…
Magnificent. I have hum off and beeps off and love it.
I really liked Nine Days.
I’m starting to think that maybe you’re trolling again. You see I’ve spent lots of time in America, very fond of the place, and a lot of it on the beach.
I spent 4 straight months in San Diego and lived near the beach while I was there. I know that the beach is not a place for fucking in secret. Sure maybe it happens as little or as often as it does in the rest of the world but that doesn’t make it the default function.
Anyway I’m trying to get back to sleep having woken in the middle of the night so I’m out. o/
I would gently suggest trying not to view naked as being sexual for a bit. It’ll probably ease some worry in your mind that you don’t need to have.
I’m gonna break something to you here that might blow your mind… Europeans (and the people in the article) do not go to a nude beach to fuck. They’re going there to feel more natural in nature.
Naked bodies are not sexual unless you sexualise them, which you are doing. The statue of David is a fine example here.
I honestly have never heard of a sexual nude beach in my life before. Maybe they exist where you live.
EVERYTHING nude is sexual
If this is your world view I don’t think we’ll ever agree. That’s kinda messed up IMO.
Right. Now we’re getting to the crux of it and I understand where your thinking is coming from but…
Because a nude beach is supposed to be sexual.
This is absolutely incorrect. Like totally wrong. There is nothing sexual about a nude beach.
I’m honestly not sure if you’re trolling or not at this point. We’re discussing nude beaches here. Lazy parenting and kids using bad language is nothing to do with nude beaches.
Like… Nothing at all.
However I still maintain that kids should be treated as if they are as innocent as I was as a kid. I didn’t know what sex was until puberty, and thats the way it should be. Let them have a childhood.
This just reads so… Strange. Nobody is advocating telling young kids about sex.
There is nothing inherently sexual about a naked human body. It’s only weird if you’re making it weird and, well, you are.
Oh shit. My home is underwater. :(
I’m not sure he has the power to just impose tarrifs unilaterally. His excuse was the drugs and border for Canada which allows him to use some obscure law from the 70s to claim an emergency but that doesn’t apply to Europe is my (limited) understanding.