Please, do not bring adobe and office pack there for god sake…
Yeah, you got it!
It’s a good step to consider patriotic ideology as prelude to fascism and tribalism. Welcome in the world of great oportunities, free from borders and labels put with force in your mind. Welcome there, human!
In mine, it’s corrected to “Idiot”. Rhymes better, but meaning is simillar
They would rather hop into another corpo boat instead of choosing an instance.
I wanted to order something, but half a year of waiting seemed like a bit long. Refunded, got money back and ordered again. I still have half a year to wait, but I have mine money too. profit?
Too big fingers for too small screen
looking at things that happened during this war, Ukraine was able to defense itself and foght back with volounteers and “patriots” or just their own military with help from the west.
So rn their forces are depleted, the west is turning prorussian and is starting to talk about stopping support of ammo and arms to Ukraine.
One of the reasons russians started the war, was their expectation, that countries (fe Poland) wouldn’t allow mass migrations of Ukrainians (they tested it before on poish borders, but forgot that polish ppl are fucking racists, and with mostly whiteUA population, ppl had not so big problem with immigration). They (russians) thought by killing civilians they will be able to force UA to surrender. Again, this plan had failed, due to ppl escaping Ukraine succesfully, allowing the volounters to fight for their imaginarry land with orc cannon fodders foghting for their own imaginary land.
Ukraine is losing, ppl across the Europe started rumoring about “forced relocation” of UA imigrants back to ukraine in order to fkrce them to fight in war, the EU, and USA is willing to lose due to capitalism and their own russia influence.
And right now, you want to allow those poor folks to die on the battlefield, bc billionaires from across the EU and USA want to save money, or just directly get even more from russians directly?
yeah, better find more quotes to try to justify this nonsense
yeah, people who do not care about country or do not want to die, are totally free to flee away. Men aren’t blocked at the border at all.
Do not understand me bad. I was supportive all the time for the Ukraine, but west lost it, Ukraine lost it, all governments felt under russia influence, choosing profit above human lives. And in this situation I do not care about UA corrupted government, if ppl do not care, let them live.
What quote would you use to describe situation where country fighting russian empire starts to use russia’ own tactic of feeding battlefield with cannon fodders forced to do so by force? This doesn’t matter what are the colours of tyranny above me. I hate them all.
You didn’t found reasons to hate corps in cp77, because this game was made by corp and released with biggest gamedev corporation flip flop the cp77 devs could do.
Your life is worth more than some money the wealth are tryin to obtain by using stupid af patrios.
For me there is a distinction between people volounterly choosing to defend imaginary borders and forcing people to do so. Since Ukraine decided to force even more ppl to do it, I have only mixed feelings.
They just know who is government and elite enemy.
It can’t be, that totalitarian regime doesn’t give f about climate, people and many other things that are more important than money etc. But hey, tankies will still love Xi bc he is dictator on the other side of barricade between dictatlr’s war.
A LOT of people actually buy those, and this is scary.