I remember borrowing it from the library back then (well, a few years later anyway), it still sticks in my mind!
I remember borrowing it from the library back then (well, a few years later anyway), it still sticks in my mind!
Using the arrow keys to go to the entry and pressing shift+delete works for me
The Jeffrey Combs panel is a great one
It’s showing me $28.74 to remove ads in Canada right now (maybe more than the 26.25 mentioned due to tax % difference)
I started this one in the middle of my 7 day camping trip last week. Maybe a quarter of the way through right now. Good so far, the first King book I’ve rear since around Gerald’s Game somewhere.
Prism seems to be able to update entire modpacks, though I haven’t tried it myself. Used to be a hassle with mmc/polymc to do that.
I’ve been using chocolately when on Windows for automatically installing java (also prismlauncher, it’ll grab the temurin java package(s) for you during it). Not exactly the same as a Linux package manager, but it works well enough and has basically every app that I need to install.
Planning a trip that way in a couple of weeks, hope the weather is good!
Never thought about that before, but it looks delicious.
I like that clicking on Next actually starts at the top of the page for me now instead of in the middle somewhere
On my current instance since Jun 4, I can’t even remember if I had joined a different one before that or not. Beginning of June at least. Basically abandoned R* at that point.
I might have almost destroyed a monitor with bad XFree86 timings on Slackware once or twice. Pulled the plug on that thing pretty fast.
I’m pretty sure I used one that was terminal based, likely using ncurses. Without searching, I can’t recall the name of it, though.
I used XMPP a bit among friends, more so when Google supported it, which was probably after ICQ/AIM/MSN wasn’t as popular? I don’t really talk to many people anymore, so whatever, heheh :)
It would be nice to see XMPP make some kind of “comeback” … or some sort of popularity boost like mastodon/lemmy/etc in recent times.
My daughter reads a lot of books checked out via overdrive on her kobo (in Canada), though the search feature on the kobo itself is kind of garbage. We have better luck doing a search with the Libby app on a phone, checking it out, then syncing the kobo.
I use a Kindle myself (purchased on one of the good sales for roughly half price), though primarily via epub files transferred to the Kindle using Calibre. It’s a busy UI, but it does work well and has lots of features. Pretty good as an archive of your ebook library.
Scorched Earth was awesome, never got a lot done in computer classes at school because of it :)
Also, basically anything live by Led Zeppelin is great.
That’s a great version, never heard that one.
Admittedly, I wasn’t a huge fan of the song back when it came out (I do like it now) - I was pretty narrow in my music choices, just getting into metal at the time. I’ll listen to anything good these days :) Or at least appreciate good musicians even if I’m not a fan of a song.
At least it was during the boil? :)
I have two long hair cats. I’m sure there is some level of cat fur in all of my brews.
I gave it a try with my other Star Trek fan friends when it first came out, never played much though. I still have my cards around here somewhere!
Assetto Corsa (assuming mods are included) and Factorio (again, with mods, but to a lesser degree).