If only it was available on physical disc
If only it was available on physical disc
I’m continuing on my first play through ni no kuni 2
I listen to quite a few episodes by the Economist. Science Vs, Freakonomics are couple of others that come to mind right now.
I’m still waiting for a Hogwarts Legacy sale
I’m waiting for the Harry Potter to get down in price
I got this issue too when I recently moved to an apartment with lots of Wi-Fi networks around. Somehow, the issue got resolved after few days.
I hate the fact that we lost the ability to customize and have a variety of groups in different orders now.
I only ever read the Thrawn trilogy and they were decent.
Do you know if there is a difference between AdGuard and EasyList lists? or if any of the two are more trustworthy?
Which one of these alternatives delete the gps/exif data automatically on upload?
While I agree with the sentiment, not sure if Microsoft is a market leader in gaming?
Does pixelfed remove gps/exif data?
Highly recommend Vimium in particular. Avoids repeat movements of switching between keyboard and mouse.
does this mean Kena is coming to the Xbox platform?