That is why dual boot is based.
That is why dual boot is based.
I accept them.
I actually discuss those topics within the framework of video games. Could be any title.
Why would anyone use this shit?
YouTube shorts are something I hate so much, that is why I removed them thanks to the extensions available for Firefox.
How the digital ownership normalized the fact that any service, game can disappear easily. The full digital future empowered the corporations, and that issue is here clearly shown by Ubisoft.
Now that is based as hell.
Depends on how you define a gaming console. You can slap a controller on a PC, with a certain form factor and custom OS it can be defined as a gaming console. But does it what Czar referring to? I do not think so.
It is all about the phones, not systemic issues that surround teenagers. But those pesky phones, and the apps surrounding them.
The second episode was quite delightful to watch. I have been looking for anime like this for some time. I know we have only seen 2 episodes, if they do not drop the quality and the premise I think it can become quite a pleasant delinquent action anime, with the hints of comedy.
I loved the first episode. I appreciated how visceral it was. I am glad that I did not skip it.
Not creepy at all/s
I am on my action RPG fever, so I was playing quite a bit Phantasy Star Portable. And got more into Dynasty Warriors series.
DS, Gameboy Advance SP and Switch.
When someone concern trolls vegans regarding deficiencies, more than likely they do not give a fuck about the person they are talking. And that is fucking annoying tbh.