Have you tried dekudeaks? It shows where a specific game is on sale to. I picked up mine from amazon for £41.
Have you tried dekudeaks? It shows where a specific game is on sale to. I picked up mine from amazon for £41.
thanks - ive bookmarked this. very nice list
sideloading, launchers, custom roms, piracy is easier etc. the list can go on forever
I see you, Imposter.
Fucking hell
game companies constantly pushing towards digital only stuff pisses me off.
We have some extremely beautiful coastlines & mountains right at our doorstep
This is a very good explanation.
I just use Real Debrid and Google Drive tbh
Its a PWA. Works brilliantly
I find wefwef works the wellest (so far, anyway)
+1 for stremio - if paired with google drive too, its amazing
I’m mostly subscribed to the lemmy equivalents of my subreddits + some nice ones ive found
It feels fresh… idk how to describe it
You should use SmartTube Next. It’s like ReVanced but for TV.